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Endstation Systems, Installation Costs and Schedule J. Hastings

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1 Endstation Systems, Installation Costs and Schedule J. Hastings
Endstation Systems, Installation Costs and Schedule J. Hastings. SLAC April 24, 2002 WBS Costing Methodology Detailed Costing Schedule LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

2 1.3.2 Endstation Systems Endstation systems PED
Endstation mechanical Endstation vacuum Endstation Data Acquisition (DAQ) Endstation laser Endstation PPS LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

3 1.3.3 Installation and alignment
Overall survey Component stands Vacuum tanks Optical element alignment Precision alignment LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

4 Costing Methodology Costs estimated by cognizant engineers/scientists
Ordinal List of components developed from CDR Costs based on experience with similar systems Contingency Assigned on the basis of the completeness of the design, comparison with recent comparable components, and knowledge of catalog prices where available LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

5 Endstation System PED Design and prototype systems
Assembly and installation procedures Prepare bid packages In particular--- vacuum Design laser-matter interaction chamber DAQ Development of PAD prototypes Streak camera optimization LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

6 Mechanical PPS Mechanical
Beam absorbers Beam stoppers Endstation mechanical Spectrometers Support tables Standard designs, catalog items LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

7 Mechanical (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Construction Contingency Total Mechanical - $ $ $ 1,202 PPS Mechanical $ $ $ Endstation Mechanical $ $ $ LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

8 Endstation Vacuum Vacuum chamber for laser-matter interactions
Accommodate several sample types: gases, clusters, solids Accommodate variety of detectors Many standard components are catalog items LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

9 Vaccum (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Construction Contingency Total Vacuum - $ $ $ Vacuum Components $ $ $ Experimental Chambers $ $ $ LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

10 Data Acquisition Infrastructure Network Beamline controls
Existing systems form the basis of the design Detectors Beam imaging Streak camera: state of the art 2-D PAD; significant design and prototyping needed Computer costs tend to remain constant, but capability grows LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

11 Data Acquisition (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Construction Contingency Total DAQ - $ 4,276 $ ,770 $ ,045 Controls $ 1,278 $ $ ,726 Detectors $ 2,997 $ ,322 $ ,320 LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

12 Laser system Costed by P. Bolton, identical components to gun laser system LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

13 PPS Personnel protection based on existing systems at SSRL
MPS systems based on existing systems at SSRL Standard designs, catalog items LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

14 PPS/MPS Systems (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Construction Contingency Total PPS/MPS Systems - $ $ $ PPS System $ $ $ MPS Systems $ $ $ LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

15 1.3.2 X-Ray End Station Systems (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Cost $K Construction Contingency Total % contingency 1.3.2 X-ray Endstation Systems $ 4,890 $ 8,405 $ 4,316 $ 17,612 32% PED $ 1,658 $ 6,548 34% Mechanical $ $ $ 1,202 28% Vacuum $ $ $ 21% Controls $ 4,276 $ 1,770 $ 6,045 41% Laser Systems $ 1,984 $ $ 2,382 20% PPS/MPS $ $ $ 16% LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

16 Endstation System Schedule
LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

17 1.3.3 Installation and Alignment
Cost based on extensive SSRL experience for similar components Per unit costs developed, totals based on component count LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

18 1.3.3 Installation and Alignment (FY02 Dollars, Thousands)
Name PED Cost Construction Contingency Total % Contingency 1.3.3 Install and Align $ $ $ 35% Overall Survey $ $ $ Component Stand $ $ $ Vacuum Tanks $ $ $ Optical Elements $ $ $ Precision Alignment $ $ $ LCLS DOE Review, April 24, 2002 J. Hastings SLAC

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