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--Learning the Setting--

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1 --Learning the Setting--
Fantasy day 3 --Learning the Setting--

2 Fantasy day 3 When we read a fantasy book, *we usually learn along with the character.

3 ? Fantasy day 3 Narnia set up: What is it? What’s happening?
How did we get there? What does our character know?

4 Fantasy day 3 *Fantasy setting can have a steep learning curve.
*Characters learn through: *1. Questions and answers *2. Stories told to them *3. Brand new experiences

5 Jot down everything you learn from Mr. Tumnus about Narnia.
Fantasy day 3 Let’s watch a clip from Narnia when Lucy meets Mr. Tumnus and he explains that she is in Narnia. Jot down everything you learn from Mr. Tumnus about Narnia.

6 Fantasy day 3 Stop and Share
In your table groups, discuss some of the things you noticed that Tumnus shared about Narnia.

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