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Discussion Questions   2/18/15

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion Questions   2/18/15"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion Questions   2/18/15 Using your textbook, journal, handouts, or smart phone please complete the following: 1. Please describe the different types of worms from yesterday’s power point or chapter 27

2 Reminders Review your discussion questions and ppt notes ~5 min each night for the daily quizzes. Animal Exam Phyla Books due the day of the test Zoo Trip Go to room 1135 Tues or Thurs for Science Peer Tutoring during PLC

3 3

4 QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please
QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please Use CAPITAL letters please Keep your answers covered If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence… come see me Tues or Thurs during PLC Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it.

5 Today’s Objective: OBJECTIVES: Describe and Explain the characteristics of the different worm phyla


7 Animal Ppt- worms worms 7

8 Power Point Analysis for Animals
New Groups Phyla Book Handouts from Friday, Tuesday and today Everything but the phlya book goes in your journal 8

9 Exit Ticket 1. Please give three examples of worms
2. What type of symmetry do worms have?

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