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Year 2 Summer Term Week 8 Lesson 3

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 Summer Term Week 8 Lesson 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 Summer Term Week 8 Lesson 3
Counting and Properties of Numbers Year 2 Summer Term Week 8 Lesson 3

2 Today we will be learning to:
solve problems explain how a problem was solved count on in steps of 1.

3 Mental Activity Number facts

4 Example: ‘12 is an even number.’
Choose a number. Say something about it. Example: ‘12 is an even number.’

5 Today we are going to continue to find unknowns.
Main Activity Today we are going to continue to find unknowns.

6 How many more to make 12? 4

7 How many more to make 12? 7 + 2

8 What is a magic square?

9 It is a square in which the numbers in each: row column diagonal
Magic square It is a square in which the numbers in each: row column diagonal always have the same total.

10 We will work this out together.
5 1 4 7 3

11 Group Work Complete magic squares. Explain your methods.
Find three numbers that total 12. Try different combinations. Complete magic squares. Explain your methods.

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