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Quick Question: Analyze the data on the board. Rank the cars in order from the most fast to the slowest. Think about the experiment you set up to test.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Question: Analyze the data on the board. Rank the cars in order from the most fast to the slowest. Think about the experiment you set up to test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Question: Analyze the data on the board. Rank the cars in order from the most fast to the slowest. Think about the experiment you set up to test the vehicles. Identify the independent variable, the dependent variable, and any controls. Identify any quantitative & qualitative data.

2 Turn in your written procedures in box 2.

3 Today’s Objective: I am able to describe motion using models and graphs.


5 What is motion?

6 Place these toys in categories based on the way they move.

7 in an object’s position
Motion: A continuous change in an object’s position Usually we think of in a line but it can be also be in a circle, back and forth, vibrating, etc.

8 Motion Diagrams: A series of images used to represent motion Walking across the room at a constant rate 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s Since the walker moved the same distance during each second, it represents a constant speed.

9 Walking across the room at an increasing rate
1s 2s s s s s Since the distance between each picture increases with each second, it represents a walker who is covering a greater distance each second – increasing speed.

10 Motion diagrams: digital stroboscopic motion photography

11 Particle Model of Motion: simplified motion
Particle Model of Motion: simplified motion diagram where a single dot represents the moving object Disadvantages: Lack details Can’t see other movements Advantages: Simple


13 What would a particle model of motion of an object that was slowing down look like?
1s s s 4s 5s Because the dots are getting closer each second, the object is not traveling as far as it did the second before. Therefore it is slowing down.

14 White Board Practice

15 Going slower….decelerating
Describe the motion of this vehicle. Going slower….decelerating

16 In which motion diagram is the girl accelerating?

17 Compare the motion of objects C and D
Object C is accelerating. Object D is moving at a constant rate.

18 Describe the motion of this object.
Traveling at a constant rate

19 It is accelerating….moving faster.
Describe the motion of this object. It is accelerating….moving faster.

20 Which objects are decelerating?

21 Which particle model represents the object moving at the fastest rate
Which particle model represents the object moving at the fastest rate? How do you know?

22 Which represents the object that is accelerating the fastest?

23 Draw a particle motion model of a bicyclist riding along a path at a constant rate of speed.


25 Which particle model shows the motion
of an object dropped from a cliff?

26 Create a digital motion diagram
Project Idea: Create a digital motion diagram

27 Coordinate System: allows measurement and placement of the point
Origin: is the point the motion started

28 Arrow represents the runner’s position
Length of arrow: distance traveled

29 The green arrow indicates a negative position
The green arrow indicates a negative position. If you were timing a runner, it would be the time before the stopwatch started.

30 Scalar quantities: numbers that have no direction

31 Vectors: Quantities that have BOTH size and direction Magnitude: scientific term for size Used to represent: Movement Forces Momentum

32 Vector addition and subtraction:
Similar to adding positive and negative numbers

33 Resultant Vector: The vector created when two vectors are combined

34 Reviewing Motion Diagrams

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