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ClientPoint Data Entry Workflow
for Outreach ServicePoint 5
Symbols used on ServicePoint screens
2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services
Before entering data, determine which Provider (i.e. Agency/Program) you are creating/updating ServicePoint data for. Check to see if your default Provider needs to be changed.(Affects data visibility!) Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. 1. This is especially important for those who do all the data entry for the programs at their agency and Agency Administrators, who may have an agency as their default provider. Recommended Best Practice: Where appropriate, data should be input at the Program (or sub-Program) Provider level, generally defined as the direct-service Providers’ level (not at the management level). Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™
Select the Provider that this info will be attributed to by clicking on “Enter Data As”
2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services From the resulting pop-up window, search and/or select from the list of Providers that appears. Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. REMINDER: If you do NOT see an “Enter Data As” link on your dashboard, you only have permission to enter data for one program. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™
2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services
Next, determine whether the data you are about to enter requires the use of Back Date mode. If so, click the “Back Date” link. Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Recommended Best Practice: Data should be entered (i.e. Date- and Time-Stamped) as of the time it was originally gathered; NOT when the ServicePoint User is entering the data in ServicePoint. Per HUD 2010 HMIS Data Standards, data should be entered within days of being gathered to improve data quality. Enter the date of knowledge attainment and click on “Set Back Date” Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™
Access ClientPoint (“The filing cabinet”)
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Access ClientPoint (“The filing cabinet”) Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue REMINDER: If you’re working with a Family (or Household), begin by searching for the designated Head-of-Household family member first. Notice the Client ID search has been moved down since most users do not know this info. It is faster so keep on client records if you access your data frequently. Search for the Client’s existing record(s) via Name, or ServicePoint Client ID#.
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services If the Client does NOT have an existing Client Profile, click the “Add New Client” button to create a new Profile. Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue If the client has already mentioned that they came from another agency who you know uses ServicePoint and they don’t come up: Check for spelling errors. Delete first name and SSN if you entered that and search only on last name. (may have been a typo in name or ssn) This helps to reduce duplicate clients entered in the system. If you do find a duplicate client, please verify the data in the system with what the client has given. Then me the duplicate client ids and the correct information so I can merge them. If the Client has an existing Client Profile, click the Pencil/Edit icon to open the Client’s Profile.
Your text here Client Information Tab Sample Header Slide 2
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Client Information Tab 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services The LOCK icon (located to the right of the Client Profile ID #) indicates the search-ability of this Client by other Providers. REMINDER: If you wish to quickly search for and locate/open this Client Profile again at a later date, make note of the Client’s assigned Profile ID Number. Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue REMINDER: This ID# is auto-generated by ServicePoint for each new Client Profile that is created. REMINDER: If you anticipate needing to frequently access this Client Profile, click the Yellow Star icon to add this Client Profile to your “Favorites” list (located at the top of your left-side Navigation Panel).
Select the appropriate option and proceed.
Enter Individual Click the “Add New Client Information” button to display two pop-up windows. Select the appropriate option and proceed. Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Choose the “Ok” or “Add Client ONLY” button.
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Client Information 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue You may see a “Back Date Mode” pop-up window. If you are inputting historical data, select your historical date and then click the “Set New Back Date” button; otherwise, click the “Use Current System Date” button to input information that will be date and time-stamped as of today’s date.
Click the “Add ROI” button to add the Release of information
Currently not used for Outreach
Complete the Release of information
Scroll down and fill out the Outreach Assessments,
then click on “Save”
Complete all assessment questions. Click “Add” to add the
Outreach and Disabilities subassessments (shown on the next two pages)
Outreach Subassessment
Disabilities Subassessment
Click on the “Add Entry/Exit” and fill in questions
Be sure that Type is set to “HUD”.
Enter Individual Verify that the Entry Date information is correct, then click “Save & Continue”. Be sure that Type is set to “HUD”.
Complete the Entry Screen and Save if your Agency has additional assessments to complete. Otherwise, click Save and Exit.
Complete your additional assessment, if your agency has one, by clicking on the assessment name. Otherwise, fill out Service Transactions.
Click on the Service Transactions tab
Select the “Add Need” dashlet
Fill out “ Need”
ClientPoint – Entering a Family for Outreach
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Client Profile Search / Creation 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Search for your Client(s) via the Name(s), Alias, SSN, or Client ID Number field(s).
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Client Profile Search / Creation 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Matching Client Records will be listed under the “Client Results” section (at the bottom of the page). If a matching record exists, click the pencil/edit icon to the left of the Client’s Name, otherwise click the “Add New Client…” button to create a new Client Profile. Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Household Creation (optional configuration) 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Upon clicking the “Add New Client…” button, you’ll see one of these two pop-up windows. Select the appropriate option & proceed. Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Household Creation (optional configuration) 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Select the Household Type, then proceed to search for additional household members. If the additional household member does not already exist in the database, add him/her. You may encounter this warning pop-up window. Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Household Creation (optional configuration) 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Clients added to the household will appear under the “Selected Clients” section at the bottom of the “Add New Household” pop-up window. Click the “Continue” button once all household members have been added to the group.
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Initial Household Data Capture (optional configuration) 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Answer the “Head of Household”, “Relationship”, and “Joined” questions at the top of the Household Info pop-up window, and click the SAVE button. Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Previous Household Members can be viewed by clicking the black arrow/triangle icon to expand the page section.
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Initial Household Data Capture (optional configuration) 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue If assessment questions appear, work from the top of the page down to the bottom & click the SAVE button. Green checkmarks will appear next to each household member’s name as their assessment questions are answered & saved. When complete, click the SAVE & EXIT button at the top/bottom of the pop-up window.
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate.
Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Client Information 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue You may see a “Back Date Mode” pop-up window appear. If you are inputting historical data, select your historical date and then click the “Set New Back Date” button; otherwise, click the “Use Current System Date” button to input information that will be date & time-stamped as of today’s date.
ROI Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ ROI 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Check off all household members that apply! Sample Header Slide 3 ROI may trigger data sharing and visibility settings. If ROI is on, be sure you enter Release Granted = Yes! Ask your System Administrator II if the ROI is required in ServicePoint® for your implementation! Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Your text here Entry Exit 1-2-3 2. Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Entry Exit 1-2-3 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Enter a client into a program. Often referred to as intake, enrollment, participation, etc… A window will pop up: Follow the page from top to bottom! Answer all required fields*** 2. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Type = Funding or program type 3. 1.
Your text here Entry Exit Assessment Questions Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Entry Exit Assessment Questions 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Answer all questions on the Entry Assessment. These fields are important for reporting status at Entry. If your provider has multiple assessments set to view on Entry, choose the appropriate Assessments in the Select an Assessment window and answer all questions on each assessment. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Follow the screen from top to bottom.
5 - Assessment Questions for ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMEBERS
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Entry Exit 5 - Assessment Questions for ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMEBERS Follow the screen from top to bottom for each household member. 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 2 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue If assessment questions appear, work from the top of the page down to the bottom and click the SAVE button. Green checkmarks will appear next to each household member’s name as their assessment questions are answered and saved. When complete, click the SAVE & EXIT button at the bottom of the window.
Your text here Case Manager Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 3 Enter staff and contact information for client support system! Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Select from a provider list of ServicePoint users or Set me as Case Manager
Case Plans Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Case Plans 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Create Goals, Action Steps and Case Notes to assist clients in planning self sufficiency and track outcomes! ! Sample Header Slide 3 Classification and Type are conditional lists that can be customized! Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Send Follow Up “ticklers” to a ServicePoint User Home Page!
More on Case Plans Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ More on Case Plans 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services After Saving, the Case Plans window will expand Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue The Add Service will take you out of case plans into Service Transactions. See the Service Transactions for details.
Your text here Assessments Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Assessments 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Assessments are sets or groupings of questions. Select an assessment from the list and enter the data elements required by your provider! Each provider can have a different set of assessments available. Note: You may be responsible for more than one. Sample Header Slide 3 Choose the appropriate assessment from the pick-list Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Your text here ServiceTransactions Tab Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services ServiceTransactions Tab Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Use the Dashboard to quickly add needs, services or referrals or to view the client’s historical records.
The most common code set is the AIRS Taxonomy Your text here
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Need Service Referral 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Sample Header Slide 3 In ServicePoint, Clients must have Needs diagnosed in order for the end user to add services or referrals to the record. The Need is based on the Taxonomy Code Set used by your implementation. The most common code set is the AIRS Taxonomy Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Your text here AIRS Taxonomy Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ AIRS Taxonomy 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Each Provider should have a Quick List created of the most common needs/ services requested by their clients. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Add Need Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Add Need 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Select the Need from the quick list or use the Look Up to find a term that best describes the need. Sample Header Slide 3 Check Household Members if applicable! Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Service Transaction Workflow Window
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Service Transaction Workflow Window 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services An action window will appear to assist the user with the next data entry step in the process. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Add Service Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Add Service 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Adding a Service to the record indicates that the provider selected is providing the specified service to the client and household (if members are selected). Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Use “Live” Date and Time Stamps!
Service Costs, Follow Up and Outcomes
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Service Costs, Follow Up and Outcomes 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Enter organizations costs for providing the service using Funding Sources. Create follow up “tickler” to users. Enter Status and Outcomes. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Add Referral Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Add Referral 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services ServicePoint® can providers Service referral notices. Complete the Need(s) Assignment by Adding Terms from the quick list or Service Code Look-Up. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Search for Providers to send the Referral(s)
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Search for Providers to send the Referral(s) 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Once the Needs have been selected, a search will automatically begin. You can select providers from the list, or refine the search criteria. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Click the + to select the provider as a “refer to” provider. Matched Needs counts the number of needs this provider can provide to the client based on the need selection criteria.
Your text here Referred – To Provider Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Referred – To Provider 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Once the Providers have been selected, the user can “Notify” ServicePoint® Providers by . Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue Notify Primary Contact by .
Service Transactions Tab Layout
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ Service Transactions Tab Layout 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Review Historical Transactions! Navigate Back to Dashboard Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Skip the long form! Add services quickly by automatically diagnosing the Need to be the same as the service. Use the dashboard to save time. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
Your text here Sample Header Slide 3
Collaborate. Coordinate. Evaluate. Connecting Communities > Demonstrating Outcomes™ 2-1-1 / I&R Housing Youth & Family Services Older Adult Services Skip the long form! Add multiple services quickly by automatically diagnosing the Need to be the same as the service. Sample Header Slide 3 Your text here Donec arcu risus diam amet sit. Congue tortor cursus risus nisl, luctus augue
In order to enter the exit information for the clients; select the pencil next to the Exit Date.
Note: DO NOT select ADD ENTRY/EXIT as this will add a new entry to the client. Once the pencil next to Exit Date has been selected, the page will display the Exit Data for the clients. Exit Client
Select the checkbox located at the top of the display next to the Client ID and Household Type. This will select all household members. Once you have selected to include all Household Members then finish completing the Edit Exit Data as follows: Exit Date: The date that the client left the program Reason for Leaving: Select the Reason that the client is leaving the program Destination: Select the appropriate destination where the client is going after leaving your program Select Save & Continue. A new window will pop up.
Exit Client Once the exit data has been completed, the Entry/Exit Data page will refresh and you can verify the Entry and Exit information. Scroll down on this screen (see next screen) to view all the data.
Once all the data is accurate, press the Save & Exit button.
Exit Client
Security PC Hardware Password Protection
PC Hardware Secure Physical Location PC Screen not Viewable by Casual Bystanders NO Stored Passwords
NH-HMIS Support Paradigm
User has a question User contacts the Agency Administrator Agency Administrator researches issue using training materials and NH-HMIS website Agency Administrator documents issues as part of their internal routine Agency Administrator opens a Support Ticket to be used to track issue NH-HMIS Team researches unresolved issue NH-HMIS Team researches & contacts Bowman Systems for unresolved issues NH-HMIS Team documents issue in Ticket System and updates training materials if needed NH-HMIS Team reviews unresolved issues as part of routine Performance Improvement Process NH-HMIS Team tests potential strategies for change NH-HMIS Team brings change to NH-HMIS Advisory Council for approval and updates Policies if needed
To open a new HMIS Ticket
1. Open Internet Explorer 2. In the Browser address bar enter: 3. Login Id = hmisagencies 4. Password = Support2010 If you have problems accessing the system, please contact the HMIS Help Desk at:
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