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Kinetic Energy: for the future

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Presentation on theme: "Kinetic Energy: for the future"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kinetic Energy: for the future
By: Felix Suazo

2 What is kinetic Energy? Definition : “of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy [kinetic energy] associated with them”

3 Less harmful to the o-zone layer
Going green Less use of battery’s Less harmful to the o-zone layer

4 Other similar ideas of Kinetic Energy

5 Toyota Hybrid Synergy Drive

6 Hybrid synergy Drive Roller Coaster

7 Amusement Parks

8 How could this lower admission fees, etc…?
Electric Bill How could this lower admission fees, etc…? (Self-sustainable amusement park)

9 Potential Energy “The higher the train is lifted by the motor the more potential energy is produced”

10 Other Potential Energy Sources
Bumper Cars Log Flume Rides Walking Paths

11 The sky is the limit, and the future is now.
My Vision Mechanical Engineering Roller Coaster Designer The sky is the limit, and the future is now.

12 Works cited "The Merriam-Webster Dictionary." The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield: Merriam-Webster Incorporated , Toyota May 2011 < ITPS. International Theme Park Services, Inc May 2011 < Oracle ThinkQuest. Kinetic and Potential Energy. n.d. 1 May 2011 <

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