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Steps of the Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Steps of the Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps of the Scientific Method

2 The Scientific Method involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence.

3 Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment
Scientific Method Problem/Question Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment Collect and Analyze Results Conclusion Communicate the Results

4 Steps of the Scientific Method
Problem/Question: Develop a question or problem that can be solved through experimentation. Why do Diet Coke cans float in water and regular Coke sink?

5 Steps of the Scientific Method
2. Observation/Research: Make observations and research your topic of interest.

6 Steps of the Scientific Method
3. Formulate a Hypothesis: Predict a possible answer to the problem or question.

7 Steps of the Scientific Method
4. Experiment: Develop and follow a procedure. Include a detailed materials list. The outcome must be measurable (quantifiable).

8 Design

9 Steps of the Scientific Method
5. Collect and Analyze Results: Modify the procedure if needed.

10 Steps of the Scientific Method
6. Conclusion: Include a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis. Make recommendations for further study and possible improvements to the procedure.

11 Steps of the Scientific Method
7. Communicate the Results: Be prepared to present the project to an audience. Expect questions from the audience.

12 Qualitative data vs Quantitative
Qualitative data gathers information that is not in numerical form. For example, open-ended questionnaires, unstructured interviews. Quantitative Data is research in numerical form which can be put into categories, or in rank order, or measured in units of measurement. This type of data can be used to construct graphs and tables of raw data.

13 Do you know the difference between the independent and dependent variables?

14 Example: Sugar and Nutrisweet
Independent Variable The independent, or manipulated variable, is a factor that’s intentionally varied by the experimenter. Example: Sugar and Nutrisweet

15 Example: floating or sinking coke cans
Dependent Variable The dependent, or responding variable, is the factor that may change as a result of changes made in the independent variable. Example: floating or sinking coke cans

16 Example: Water in a soda can
Control Group In a scientific experiment, the control is the group that serves as the standard of comparison. The control group may be a “no treatment" or an “experimenter selected” group. Example: Water in a soda can

17 All experiments should have a control group.
The control group is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group, except for the variable being tested. All experiments should have a control group.

18 Example: soda brand, data collection
Constants The constants in an experiment are all the factors that the experimenter attempts to keep the same. Example: soda brand, data collection

19 Variables should be checked at least 3 times.
Trials Trials refer to replicate groups that are exposed to the same conditions in an experiment. Variables should be checked at least 3 times.

20 Law Vs. Theory Law: A theoretical principle deduced from particular facts, applicable to a defined group of phenomena, and expressible by a statement that a particular phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions be present. Theory: summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Scientific laws explain things, but they do not describe them. One way to tell a law and a theory apart is to ask if the description gives you a means to explain 'why'. These terms share some things in common. Both are based on tested hypotheses; both are supported by a large body of empirical data; both help unify a particular field; both are widely accepted by the vast majority of scientists. Both can be proven wrong if there are data to suggest so.

21 Observe your world and come up with a question to answer using the Scientific Method!

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