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The Quality Approach at the French speaking Community of Belgium

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1 The Quality Approach at the French speaking Community of Belgium

2 Belgium for beginners The French Community of Belgium is a political local authority at the service of French-Speaking Belgians. (Brussels + Wallonia) It is competent for Education, Culture, Sport, Youth, Health It has a Parliament, a Government and Public Departments

3 Presentation of the institution
The Ministry for the French Community is organized in six great entities with 5500 workers The General secretariat (with the transversal support services like budget, account, human resources, Audit,…) General Administration of the Infrastructure

4 Presentation of the institution
General Administration of the Assistance to Youth, Health and the Sport General Administration of the Personnel of Teaching General Administration of Teaching and scientific Research (that means teaching ability, organisation of the schools,…) General Administration of the Culture

5 Once upon a time…. 2001 discovery of CAF by the persons in charge of the service of Audit At the same time, organization of the first Belgian Conference on the quality of the public services. candidatures presented by the Ministry in the 2nd Belgian Conference on the quality of the public services.

6 …there was in the Center and South of Belgium
2006 the Government decides to generalize CAF to the whole Ministry. 2008, a considerable change of environment appears with the arrival of the temporary mandates for the senior officials and the obligation for them to set up operational plans

7 Keys for a success 1) Need for an internal and trained team
2) Need for a tool to control the cover of the services 3) Need to have the support of the high hierarchy 4) Insistence on the follow-up. 5) Encouragement of the efforts by participation in external Conference and organization of an internal Conference every 2 years for the French Community

8 Keys for a success 6) Overcome resistances
7) The agents of the Audit which accompany the services are guaranteeing confidentiality 8) It is necessary to be very careful with the choice of the President and the secretary 9) It is necessary to be very careful with the representativeness of the group

9 Any question?

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