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Harmonisation and standardisation – Status and way forward

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1 Harmonisation and standardisation – Status and way forward
ECOSTAT meeting, Ispra, 3-4 July 2007

2 Since the last ECOSTAT meeting there has been a number of actions concerning the Harmonisation/ Standardisation of biological methods: JRC call to ECOSTAT for nomination of experts for the Harmonisation drafting group Initiative for a mandate from DG Environment to CEN to develop standards relevant for the WFD, including biological methods CEN meeting in Vienna Meeting DGEnv, CEN ,JRC

3 Contents Update on Harmonisation activity (AC Cardoso):
state of nominations agreements with CEN to improve communication Introduction of the discussion document for the Identification of standardisation needs (JR Romero): prospects for mandate, context and discussion Update on CEN TC230 WG2 work (R Sweeting): special focus on proposal to QA/QC existing standards

4 Harmonisation drafting group
Aim is to develop guidance including an understanding of the requirement in WFD Annex V and an analysis of the long-term standardisation needs for WFD implementation, building on experience from the IC exercise It will start later this year and the guidance document is expected to be to be finalised by the end of 2008 As announced in the ECOSTAT of April, JRC sent out a request for nominations of experts for a drafting group on Harmonisation. So far only two nominations: Maria Belli, Italy Andrea Zagyva, Hungary

5 Agreement with CEN to improve communication
ECOSTAT representative for CEN TC230 WG2 matters - AC Cardoso Proposed the nomination of one ECOSTAT expert for each Task Group in CEN TC230 WG 2 All ECOSTAT members are encouraged to establish proper links with their national standards organisations. Standards experts should do the same. Confirmation that this has been completed can then be made in writing by individuals. Further confirmation is then required by relevant standards experts that this dialogue is open CEN TC230 WG 2 and TG Leaders/, ECOSTAT representatives, JRC and DG Environment need to meet at regular intervals In order to meet the timescale and quality of outputs it was agreed that consideration should be given to the secondment of a coordinator to ensure that both CEN and ECOSTAT groups work smoothly. This secondment will be for someone who is familiar with the WFD process, ECOSTAT and CEN

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