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Tuesday……… HOMEWORK: Read Ch 27.5 (pp ) The End of the War.

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2 Tuesday……… HOMEWORK: Read Ch 27.5 (pp731-737) The End of the War.
Read Ch 27.5 (pp ) The End of the War. Take notes & be prepared for a quiz. Use the red and green headings to organize your notes!! Define bold and highlighted words. REMEMBER! – Homework notes = 5 pts each on daily open note quiz. NO homework notes = 10 pts each on daily quiz. YOUR choice!

3 World War II Section 4: The Soviet Union and the United States
CHAPTER 21 World War II Section 4: The Soviet Union and the United States Objectives: What steps did the Axis Powers take to gain control of eastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa? How did Germany plan to gain control of the Soviet Union, and how successful was the Soviets’ defense? How did Japan’s goals in the Pacific lead to war with Britain and the United States?

4 Selection from The Pearl Harbor Papers
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States Document Snapshot: Selection from The Pearl Harbor Papers

5 The United States had made clear their loyalty to the Allied cause.
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States In the Atlantic Charter, President Franklin D. Roosevelt pledged to create a postwar world in which “all men in all lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want.” The United States had made clear their loyalty to the Allied cause.

6 1940 – Germany controlled almost ALL of western Europe.
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States 1940 – Germany controlled almost ALL of western Europe. Spain – under Hitler’s buddy Franco – was “neutral” but allowed German subs to use its ports.

7 The Soviet Union and the United States
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States The Axis Powers had great success in the Balkans. …everything but Turkey would come under Axis control.

8 The Soviet Union and the United States
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States The battle for North Africa was a struggle for control of the Suez Canal and access to oil from the Middle East and raw materials from Asia. German troops led by General Erwin Rommel – the Desert Fox - moved to take control of Libya in early ’41.

9 The Soviet Union and the United States
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States In October Rommel’s army was beaten at the Battle of El Alamein The Axis forces would retreat to Tunisia.

10 The Soviet Union and the United States
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States The U.S.S.R. was alarmed when Germany took the Balkans – this was THEIR neighborhood! Germany’s response was – “Hey – just create a sphere in Asia!” – the Soviets did NOT like that at all. 22 June the situation would change … and not in a good way.

11 Operation Barbarossa: Without declaring war Germany invades
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States Operation Barbarossa: Without declaring war Germany invades the Soviet Union 3 prong blitzkrieg attack GB & the US offered aid to the Soviets But getting it there would prove difficult. Why?

12 SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States

13 The Battle of Stalingrad had begun.
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States Hitler would make the capture of Stalingrad the MAIN objective of the offensive. Stalin ordered that the city be held at all costs. The Battle of Stalingrad had begun.

14 Japanese Aggressions in the Pacific
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States Japanese Aggressions in the Pacific Events in the Pacific drew the United States into the war.

15 The Soviet Union and the United States
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States The situation in Asia: Japanese armies had pushed far into mainland China. … began to extend its control over Southeast Asia. In Sept 1940 – alliance with Germany & Italy

16 The U.S. responded … SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States
…protested the violations of the Nine-Power Pact of 1922 …provided assistance to Chinese Nationalists who were fighting the Japanese …placed an embargo on the sale of OIL and scrap IRON to Japan …moved a large part of its Pacific fleet to Hawaii

17 Relations between US and Japan worsen …
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States Relations between US and Japan worsen … Premier Hideki Tōjō - prime minister of Japan

18 SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States

19 The Soviet Union and the United States
SECTION 4 The Soviet Union and the United States The United States declared war on Japan on 7 December 1941 – as did the British Parliament. Germany and Italy declare war on the United States three days later – we replied in kind. On the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attacked the American possession of Guam, Wake Island and Midway -- and began aerial attacks on the Philippine Islands. Australia would be the last stronghold of resistance in the southwest Pacific.

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