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10/28 & 10/29- 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Inert Gases Collect Hw: Reading & Notetaking p.79 & 80 Last day to turn in late work Change.

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Presentation on theme: "10/28 & 10/29- 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Inert Gases Collect Hw: Reading & Notetaking p.79 & 80 Last day to turn in late work Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/28 & 10/29- 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Inert Gases Collect Hw: Reading & Notetaking p.79 & 80 Last day to turn in late work Change Jobs Who wants to be Millionaire Chap 4 Class Reading p.150 – 155 Hw: Reading & Notetaking: p.81 – 82 Reminder: Elemental Super Hero Project Due:11/13 (15 Points)

2 Daily Reflection Prompt: Write 3 questions that you have about Inert Gases?

3 Alloys is a Mixture of Metals
Iron + Carbon + Chromium + Vanadium ?????????? = Stainless Steel

4 Alkali Metals are very reactive

5 Alkali Metals ft Sodium (Na)
Alkali Metals are so reactive that they are never found as uncomb________ element in nature. Some Alkali Metals are shi_____ and so_____. ined ny ft Sodium (Na)

6 Alkaline Earth Metals

7 Alkaline Earth Metals Magnesium (Mg)
Alkaline earth metals are fairly hard gray-white and a good cond_______ of electricity. uctor Magnesium (Mg)

8 Transition Metals are fairly stable

9 Transitional Metals Gold (Au) ld
Transitional Metals include most of the familiar metals such as ir_____, cop______, nickel, silver and go______ Most of the transitional metals are hard and shiny. on per Gold (Au) ld

10 Metals in Mixed Group include Aluminum, tin and lead

11 Lanthanides and Actinides are known as rare earth elements

12 Lanthanides are strong magnets and are used in speakers

13 Actinides include Uranium which is used to produce energy in nuclear power plants

14 Elements higher than 92 are called synthetic elements because they can only be made in a lab

15 Nonmetals Many of the nonmetals are gases at room temperature (Low boiling points) Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon Iodine

16 What are Nonmetals Properties?
Dull Brittle (not malleable and not ductile) Lower density than metals Poor conductors of heat and electricity More than half are gases at room temperature

17 Sharing Electrons When nonmetals and metals react, electrons move from the metal atoms to the nonmetal atoms.

18 Group 15 - Nitrogen Family
Nitrogen and Phosphorus are nonmetal Shares 3 electrons in chemical reactions Atmosphere is 80% Nitrogen Nitrogen used in Fertilizer Phosphorus is used in matches

19 Group 16 - Oxygen Family Shares 2 electrons in chemical reactions
Oxygen and Sulfur are nonmetal Oxygen is very reactive and combine with almost every other element Sulfur has a rotten egg smell and is found in rubber.

20 Group 17 - Halogen Family Halogen means “Salt Forming”
Halogens are very reactive and when uncombined, dangerous to humans Shares 1 electron in chemical reactions Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine Fluorine is found in nonstick cookware and in tooth paste Chlorine is found in table salt Bromine is used in photographic film

21 Group 18 – Noble (Inert) Gases
Does not react with other atoms Known as “Noble” gases because they do not mix with other elements Helium are used in balloons Neon are used to light signs

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