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Music In Motion Samuel Arwood Tripp Plaskett Brandon Quick

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Presentation on theme: "Music In Motion Samuel Arwood Tripp Plaskett Brandon Quick"— Presentation transcript:

1 Music In Motion Samuel Arwood Tripp Plaskett Brandon Quick
Jared Thigpen

2 What it does 2 Marbles Rubber Tubing Wooden blocks
Rotating hinge IPOD Speakers Simply put, this device uses several simple movements to turn on an Ipod.

3 Demonstration

4 Calculations Velocity at the end of hose equals 6.75ft/s
Coefficient of restitution between the ball and the wood to be equal to 0.354 Velocity of first block was equal to 2.39 ft/s Combined velocity of the first and second blocks equal to 4.50 ft/s

5 Calculations The second and third block was equal to 4.85ft/s
Third and fourth block was 3.83 ft/s The final velocity of the wood was equal to 4.13ft/s. The final velocity of the ball before it hits the I-pod was equal to 7.52ft/s.

6 Conclusions Operation was very successful
Transfer of energy and motion Review the modules Used in a real-life situations

7 Our main inspiration was our teachers’ assistant and role model, Patrick Dobbs.

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