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Innovative Sequential Synthesis and Verification

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1 Innovative Sequential Synthesis and Verification
Logic Synthesis and Verification Group Department of EECS UC Berkeley Robert Brayton Mike Case Satrajit Chatterjee Sungmin Cho Aaron Hurst Alan Mishchenko Zile Wei

2 Overview Introduction Innovations in synthesis and verification
Overview of current R&D activities Recent publications Future work Conclusions

3 Introduction Research goals
researching solutions for a variety of EDA problems producing algorithms that are competitive in quality but faster than the currently used ones developing new efficient implementations and releasing the source code to the community

4 Innovations Synthesis Verification
from SOP/BDD logic representations ― to AIGs and truth tables from combinational ― to “sequentially transparent” from one-snapshot ― to multiple-snapshot synthesis from separated ― to integrated (synthesis/mapping/retiming) from complex and slow algorithms ― to simple and fast AIG rewriting vs. traditional synthesis flows priority-cut-based mapping vs. traditional cut-based mapping Verification from predominantly combinational ― to sequential from trusted ― to independently verifiable using certificates from separate ― to synergistically combined with synthesis using fast synthesis as a preprocessing/intermediate step using synthesis information to speed up verification

5 Overview of Current Activities
Current research directions Logic synthesis based on AIGs Improvements to AIG rewriting FPGA mapping using priority cuts Integrated synthesis/mapping/retiming Fast retiming algorithms Co-developing synthesis and verification Developing new implementations in ABC ABC is a growing logic synthesis and verification system It reflects the current state of our research findings It is increasingly adopted in academia and industry

6 AIG-Based Logic Synthesis
Logic representation Traditional: Logic network with SOPs/BDDs stored at each node Innovative: AIG (And-Inverter Graph) AIG representation has several advantages Faster, more scalable, leads to algorithms searching a larger space of solutions AIG rewriting revolutionizes logic synthesis Consider function f = abc Rewriting node A a b c A Subgraph 1 b c a A Subgraph 2 a b c Subgraph 1 b c a Subgraph 2 a c b Subgraph 3 Rewriting node B b c a B Subgraph 2 a b c B Subgraph 1 a b c

7 Why AIG Rewriting is Efficient?
Using all K-feasible cuts explores all fanin-limited node boundaries Traditional synthesis is limited to only one node boundary Using all fanin-limited Boolean divisors Traditional synthesis is limited to algebraic kernels extracted from the current SOPs of the nodes AIG-based synthesis uses all sequential cuts Traditional sequential synthesis is limited to retiming Iterating fast local transforms many times Traditional synthesis is often too slow to allow multiple iterations Experimental results can be found in DAC 2006 paper

8 FPGA Mapping using Priority Cuts
Traditional mapping computes all cuts, finds optimum-depth cut, iterates area recovery runtime/memory are dominated by cut computation and evaluation Mapping based on priority cuts computes a small number (typically, 4-8) good cuts at each node achieves near-optimum depth; performs iterations of area recovery reduces runtime/memory requirements (5x for K = 6; 25x for K = 8) holds promise for sequential mapping k Average number of cuts per node 4 6 5 20 80 7 150 8 350 n p k a b s c PIs: a, b, c 3-feasible cuts of n: C1 = { p, k } C2 = { a, b, s } Not 3-feasible cuts of n: C3 = { p, b, c } C4 = { a, b, s, c }

9 Recent Work on Retiming
Implemented three flavors of retiming: Delay-oriented retiming based on iterative sequential arrival time computation [P. Pan, ICCD ’97 and FPGA ‘98] Often increases the number of registers considerably (50-100%) Incremental heuristic delay-oriented retiming [D. P. Singh, DAC ’05] The register increase is better controllable but still possible New minimum-register retiming based a simplified version of maximum-flow [submitted to DAC ’07] Minimizes the number of registers but ignored the delay Need a hybrid approach that is Fast and scalable Doing a good job on both delay and register count Another possibility is to combine retiming and clock skewing Start with minimum-register retiming Find a trade-off between retiming and skewing, which takes into account The cost of additional registers due to partial retiming The cost of additional buffers due to partial skewing Studying new promising delay-optimal algorithm [H. Zhou, ASPDAC ’05]

10 Integrated Mapping and Retiming
A year ago, developed an integrated solution for minimizing delay while performing synthesis/mapping/retiming The approach suffers from area penalty Currently working on a second-generation solution Uses priority cuts Reduces mapping/retiming to combinational mapping while guaranteeing delay optimality in almost all cases Promising results Delay improvement ~28% (compared to 4-19% for retiming alone) Area is comparable to area after combinational mapping Faster and more scalable due to using priority cuts

11 Verification Capabilities
Combinational equivalence checking (ICCAD 2006) developed an AIG package with functional reduction (“SAT sweeping”) developed a CEC engine based on AIGs, simulation, and SAT successfully used them in several academic and industrial projects Incremental verification after synthesis (IWLS 2006) uses synthesis information stored in the form of a history AIG verification runtime does not exceed synthesis runtime scalable verification is a consequence of scalable synthesis General purpose sequential equivalence checking (work in progress) will leverage the strengths of the robust CEC engine will be based on a synergistic combination of induction and interpolation may benefit greatly from fast logic synthesis as a pro-processor Recording verification certificates and verifying them (accepted to DAC ’07) Producing extended resolution proofs of each step in verification Composing individual proofs into one final proof Independently verifying this proof using a very simple resolution checker Synthesis and verification are two sides of the same coin

12 ABC: Logic Synthesis and Verification System
Public-domain source code and manuals: New release will be out in about a week Variety of input formats (BLIF, BENCH, AIGER) recently added: hierarchical BLIF, hierarchical Verilog (structural netlist) Improved AIG rewriting package Improved FPGA mapper Improved CEC engine New retiming engine (min-register, min-delay, etc) Experimental code for sequential rewriting and choice accumulation Designed to handle very large designs

13 Recent Publications Combinational AIG rewriting
A. Mishchenko, S. Chatterjee, and R. Brayton, "DAG-aware AIG rewriting: A fresh look at combinational logic synthesis", Proc. DAC '06, pp Synthesis/mapping/retiming combined A. Mishchenko, S. Chatterjee, R. K. Brayton, and P. Pan, "Integrating logic synthesis, technology mapping, and retiming", ERL Technical Report, UC Berkeley, April '06. Improved LUT-mapping based on cut enumeration A. Mishchenko, S. Chatterjee, and R. Brayton, "Improvements to technology mapping for LUT-based FPGAs". IEEE TCAD, Vol. 26(2), Feb 2007, pp Combinational equivalence checking A. Mishchenko, S. Chatterjee, R. Brayton, and N. Een, "Improvements to combinational equivalence checking", Proc. ICCAD '06. Verifying verification tools S. Chatterjee, A. Mishchenko, R. Brayton, and A. Kuehlmann, "On resolution proofs for combinational equivalence checking", Accepted to DAC ‘07.

14 Papers Submitted to IWLS
Integrating logic synthesis and placement Optimum placement of non-reconvergent DAGs by dynamic programming Logic optimization and mapping Mapping with priority cuts SAT-based logic optimization and re-synthisis Sequential rewriting Scalable exploration of functional dependency by interpolation and incremental SAT solving Benchmarking logic synthesis for FPGAs Retiming Fast minimum-register retiming via binary maximum-flow Minimizing implementation costs with end-to-end retiming Model checking Automated extraction of inductive invariants to aid model checking

15 Ongoing and Future Work
Synthesis Placement-aware AIG-based synthesis and technology mapping Integrated synthesis/mapping/retiming using priority cuts AIG optimizations with don’t-cares and Boolean decomposition Verification Developing a verification system with information from synthesis Developing a new sequential equivalence checking package Recording resolution proofs of CEC and SEC Releasing updated versions of ABC

16 Conclusions Reviewed current state of our research
Logic synthesis based on AIGs Improvements to AIG rewriting LUT mapping using priority cuts Integrated synthesis/mapping/retiming Fast retiming capabilities Bridging the gap between synthesis and verification Listed recent publications Outlined future work

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