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Infrastructure programmes I / II

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1 Infrastructure programmes I / II
Research programme: comprehensive area of research work for which it can be expected to be relevant for an extended period and which has importance for Slovenia as specified in the national R&D programme (long-term projects w. extension). Infrastructure programme: maintenance of infrastructure as support to research in the form of instrumental support, support to science literature collections, popularisation of science and support to research programmes containing infrastructure centre(s) or collections relevant for science. 2008: Call for proposals for infrastructural programmes for 2009 – 2014 –> 29 IP selected (95 FTE annually, approx. 2.1 FTE) + approx 5.7 mio € annually for material costs

2 Infrastructure programmes II / II
Funding: minimum 1 FTE Annual Reporting + Plan -> Annual Budget for material costs Organisation: research organisations (ROs) -> research units (RU) ROs divide material costs autonomously among RUs Additional funding possible for international research infrastructure funding, as stated in the Plan of Research Infrastructure Development (e.g. CESSDA, Council of European Social Science Data Archives) In 2014: Call for proposals for infrastructural programmes for 2015 – 2020 - includes final report evaluation for existing Infrastructure programmes

3 Thank you

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