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New discoveries and developments in the Gibraltar record.

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1 New discoveries and developments in the Gibraltar record.
Dennis Wheeler University of Sunderland, UK

2 Instrumental observations began in 1790 under the auspices of the Royal Engineers and have continued to the present day, but with changes of site, exposure and instrumentation Gibraltar 36º 8`N 5° 26`W


4 The Gibraltar Chronicle
(published daily data from July 1821 to December 1936)


6 Approximated temperature series for Gibraltar (1821 to present with ten year Gaussian filter)

7 Extending the record back beyond 1820: newly-discovered diaries.
Kept by the staff of successive Lieutenant Governers and cover the following periods.

8 May 1777 – March t, w & w March 1778 – Nov t, w & w Dec 1778 – June t, w & w April 1781 – Dec w & w Jan 1782 – June w & w July 1786 – Dec w & w May 1787 – Dec w & w Jan 1791 – March w & w Nov 1792 – Dec w & w May 1794 – May w & w Sept 1806 – March t, w & w April 1808 – April t, w & w May 1809 – Sept t, w & w t = temperatures (deg.F), w & w = wind direction, force and weather (rain, thunder etc.)



11 Extending the record back beyond 1820: Royal Navy logbooks
Logbook of HMS Portsmouth from 1694 (when sailing south off the coast of Alicante)  (Monday) These 24: hours had fair Weather and Wind unsettled with Lightning in the night in the Eastern Board….

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