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Reviewer: Kseniya Shymborskaya

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewer: Kseniya Shymborskaya"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewer: Kseniya Shymborskaya
Review of the problem № 1 «Buffon’s needle» Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen. My name is Kseniya Shymborskaya, I’m the representative of the Belarusian team and I’m glad to present you my review for the problem number Reviewer: Kseniya Shymborskaya Team of Belarus

2 Report Strong points Weak points Theoretical model;
Different ‘needles’; Amount of throws Weak points Explanation; The way of throwing; Parameters; Formula; Only one case Let’s start wth the report (explanation, theoretical model, formulas, graphs, amount of experiments (we can can/can’t assume this results as reliable), compairing theory and experiment (divergency), Parameters conclusions Шо исследовал

3 Opposition Opponent’s questions:
What would happen if you hadn’t kept the line spacing the same? What affect could variables have e.g. drop height and angle? Насколько актуален вопрос Развилась ли дискуссия Что ответил репортер Что думал оппонент

4 Thank you for your attention

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