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Patrick McNutt The Competitiveness Challenge: Banking & Financial Services IBF Breakfast Briefing, November 30 2004 Patrick McNutt.

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Presentation on theme: "Patrick McNutt The Competitiveness Challenge: Banking & Financial Services IBF Breakfast Briefing, November 30 2004 Patrick McNutt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patrick McNutt
The Competitiveness Challenge: Banking & Financial Services IBF Breakfast Briefing, November Patrick McNutt Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

2 Outline of Presentation
Competitiveness Defined The Competitiveness Challenge Retail Banking, Financial Services & the Competitiveness Challenge Understanding 21st Century Competition Concluding Thoughts Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

3 Competitiveness as ‘Hamlet’ without the Prince of Denmark
Viewed in terms of competition: nation & businesses; comparative advantage or ‘facilitated competition’ Business decision rule: responding to market events: foreign sourcing & interdependence Competing in a ‘geographic market’? Cross-border v financial markets ‘evolving as systems’ Handling ‘regulatory burden’ in a new world of governance post-FSAP harmonisation Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

4 The Competitiveness Challenge
Reality check: are you a global or niche player? How to manage Irish businesses in the wider context of (say) the EU Capture value and also enhanced foreign capacity to capture value (reverse engineer) Big in local concentrated market v small globally Based in Ireland (yes/no) but can act globally (yes/no)? Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

5 Retail Banking, Financial Services & the Challenge
About being a different type of bank or financial institution: financial conglomerate or traditional retail bank + financial innovations Strategy becomes more geographically focused Strategy becomes more organisationally coherent Do not destroy value or dilute EPS Understanding 21st Century Competition Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

6 Understanding 21st Century Competition:Micro-structure
Focus on costs + choice of cross-border entry model: subsidiary or branch network. Obtain (international) economies of scale How supportive is government policy? – Consolidation of retail banks at a national level? Financial innovation = something new that reduces costs or satisfies customers’ demands Impact of Technology on B2C and B2B Competition leads to concentrated markets Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

7 Understanding 21st Century Competition:Macro-structure
Working together solution: financial services and the regulators Financial rules should be ‘competition-neutral’: let the market evolve Globalisation & international competitiveness EC’s FSAP: Realistic Target 2005? CESR and Uniform implementation of Directives EC Directives v US law Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

8 Concluding Thoughts Transposing into national law: ‘equivalence’ & co-operation amongst competitors Pan-European Ombudsman v EU ‘SEC’ Integration & Domestic consolidation: ‘ahead of the pack’ v ‘lagging-behind’ Define Competition in a ‘conglomerates’ world Lamfalussy flexibility: encouraging innovation Competitiveness: as a bank or financial institution: what market should we be in? Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

9 Pause and Reflect “Ideal Goals Grow Faster Than The Means of Attaining New Goals Allow” deJouvenal Patrick McNutt & Associates 06/05/2019

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