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Atmospheric Dynamics Group Themen BSc Seminar HS 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Atmospheric Dynamics Group Themen BSc Seminar HS 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmospheric Dynamics Group Themen BSc Seminar HS 2018
09/17/17 Atmospheric Dynamics Group Themen BSc Seminar HS 2018 Betreuung: Annika Oertel (CHN M14, 1

2 Forschungsthemen der Arbeitsgruppe Microphysics & Dynamics Weather
09/17/17 Forschungsthemen der Arbeitsgruppe Microphysics & Dynamics Weather System Dynamics Stable Water Isotopes Atmospheric Transport 2

3 Forschungsthemen der Arbeitsgruppe Microphysics & Dynamics WCBs
09/17/17 Forschungsthemen der Arbeitsgruppe Microphysics & Dynamics WCBs Clouds and (heavy) precipitation Transport of heat, moisture and trace substances Cyclone dynamics and modification of large-scale flow Weather System Dynamics Stable Water Isotopes Atmospheric Transport 3

4 Methoden und Daten Weather System Dynamics (re-) Analysis data
09/17/17 Methoden und Daten (re-) Analysis data Weather System Dynamics (High-resolution) model simulations Observations and measurements 4

5 Madonna et al. 2014 WCB climatology based on ERA-Interim trajectories
09/17/17 Madonna et al. 2014 WCB climatology based on ERA-Interim trajectories Where and how often do WCBs occur? Evolution of mean properties along the WCB trajectories WCB criterion: > 600 hPa in 48 h 5

6 09/17/17 Crespo and Posselt 2016 WCB case study with satellite observations from A-Train Spaceborne radar observations of the cloud structure of a WCB Transition from stratiform clouds to convective clouds during the evolution of the WCB WCB cloud band Stratiform clouds Convective clouds 6

7 09/17/17 Rasp et al. 2016 Case studies with convection-permitting model simulations and high-resolution online trajectories Detailed analysis of WCB ascent behaviour Separation between convective and slantwise WCB ascent Convective ascent Slantwise ascent 7

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