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CNS as integration of arcs

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1 CNS as integration of arcs
integration center interneurons parallel circuits brain spinal cord connect “appropriate” motor responses to stimuli also: learning memory

2 p 320

3 Figure 11.25

4 Central Nervous System
brain control center spinal cord superhighway gray matter cell bodies and interneurons white matter axons and dendrites

5 brain functional areas
integration areas connect sensory to motor sensory to sensory other areas (parallel)

6 Brain cerebrum cerebellum diencephalon thalamus hypothalamus
epithalamus brain stem midbrain pons medulla oblongata

7 p 432


9 cerebrum functional areas
motor conscious motor frontal eye movement frontal speech movement frontal (Broca’s area) sensory general sensation parietal auditory temporal visual occipital taste parietal olfactory temporal , limbic system

10 cerebral functional areas
p 437

11 other functional structures
cerebellum coordination synergist - antagonist basal ganglia motor control thalamus sensory relay sensory filtering hypothalamus visceral control


13 basal ganglia p 444


15 Thalamus sensory relay p 448

16 Hypothalamus visceral control center regulates bodily functions
temperature hunger glucose, amino acids thirst salts, water pH levels CO2 Autonomic NS emotions visceral responses endocrine controls Pituitary gland memory esp. visceral responses sleep-wake cycles input from optic nerve


18 brain stem 3 parts : midbrain pons medulla oblongata vital functions
passageway betw cortex and spinal cord cranial nerves


20 midbrain cranial nerves nuclei III , IV corpora quadrigemina
superior colliculi visual reflexes inferior colliculi auditory reflexes substantia nigra influences basal ganglia produces Dopamine

21 pons cranial nerves nuclei V , VI , VII respiratory centers

22 medulla oblongata cranial nerve nuclei VIII, IX, X, XI, XII
visceral motor nuclei cardiac center HR vasomotor center BP respiratory center resp rate vestibular nuclei equilibrium relay cochlear nuclei auditory relay solitary nucleus taste reflexes swallow cough sneeze BP , HR , Resp

23 limbic system medial surface of each hemisphere emotional brain
amygdala fear, anger cingulate gyrus emotions, gestures memory / learning hippocampal formation short term memory sends to cortex (LTM) amygdala memories of emotions hypothalamus visceral responses fornix connects 2 limbus

24 p 455

25 reticular formation center of brain stem
reticular activating system (RAS) maintains consciousness and alertness input from all senses of the body motor to all muscles - maintain tone and readiness

26 Brain Waves measure of electrical activity EEG = electroencephalogram
locates lesions inactivity – increase amplitude active – complex, low amplitude waves Alpha waves 8-13Hz relaxed wakefulness Beta waves 14-25Hz alert, concentrating Theta waves 4-7Hz abnormal (adults) Delta waves < 4 Hz deep sleep, abnormal if awake

27 frequency = # peaks / sec = hertz amplitude - # neurons firing
Figure 12.20

28 Figure 12.21

29 consciousness perception of sensations and motor control
mental processing (learning, memory) simultaneous activity of cerebral areas syncope brief unconsciousness coma unresponsive to sensory stimuli not deep sleep decreased O2 use may include part of brain stem

30 sleep partial unconsciousness cerebral, not brain stem
can respond to stimuli decreased RAS activity  adenosine increase after ATP use Why sleep? restore NT’s organize memories , emotions “we dream to forget” insomnia

31 types of sleep NREM non-rapid eye movement 4 stages
slow-wave sleep delta waves low vitals increase digestive activity REM rapid eye movement alpha waves irregular increase vitals decrease digestive functions skeletal muscles inhibited limbic system active dreams

32 Figure 12.21

33 memory learning changes in synaptic communication
memory those changes lasting a long time

34 memory declarative facts , events short term memory long term memory
non-declarative motor skills, procedures

35 how ? synapses work better = LTP potentiates neural connections
sensory - sensory sensory – motor connect “appropriate” motor responses to stimuli build networks - associations

36 result synapses work better = LTP more NT receptors
glutamate - NMDA - Ca  NT production NO dendritic spines change shape  strength of graded potentials greater chance of action potential

37 Fig. 8.17

38 where middle temporal lobe hippocampus STM consolidation
amygdala fear, danger ; and responses cerebral association areas sensory info prefrontal cortex behaviors

39 cerebral functional areas
p 437

40 p 455

41 affects on memory repetition increase LTP association networks stress
norepinephrine glucocorticoids glutamate sleep alcohol

42 memory problems amnesia anterograde amnesia new info
retrograde amnesia old info post-traumatic stress disorder Alzheimer’s Hippocampus cerebral cortex change NMDA receptors and Ca++ influx decreased Ach production plaques : beta amyloid peptide stem cells neurogenesis

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