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Year 3 / 4 Parent Information Evening

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1 Year 3 / 4 Parent Information Evening
The Team: Mrs Godwin (Phase Leader) Miss Huckin Miss Glennon Mr Meadows Mrs Smith Mrs Baker Mrs Curtis Mrs Blythin Mrs Goddard Miss Soper-James Mrs Peachey Mrs Singhal Mrs Bryant

2 Year 3 Timetable

3 Year 4 Timetable

4 English Children are encouraged to read a range of texts making inferences and predictions. We will discuss the word choice and different structures and how they help to convey meaning within a text. Children will have opportunities to read aloud and with expression. Reading is taught through whole class activities and guided reading sessions. In Year 3, phonics continues to be taught in order for the children to learn spelling rules and conventions. In Year 4, spelling will be taught within ability groups. We will continue with our Spelling scheme :SpellZoo. We will also be introducing the children to Grammar Hammar, this is a program of study much like Assertive mentoring where the children have the opportunity to practise the Grammar Skills that they are taught in lessons.

5 using the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense
IN Grammar , children will develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English Appendix 2 by: extending the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although using the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion and to avoid repetition using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time and cause using fronted adverbials learning the grammar for years 3 and 4 in English Appendix 2 indicate grammatical and other features by: using commas after fronted adverbials indicating possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns using and punctuating direct speech SG

6 Maths Children are taught place value of numbers up to 1000 in Year 3 and over 1000 in Year 4. They will compare and identify the value of these numbers. Roman Numerals (Year 4) Adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers in Year 3 and 4 digit numbers in Year 4 including inverse operations. Multiplication and division facts for 2,5,10,3, 4 and 8 Times Tables in Year 3 and all times tables up to 12x12 in Year 4 Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, count in tenths, find unit and non-unit fractions of a set of objects, compare and order fractions. In Year 4 they will count in hundredths and show decimal equivalents of tenths and hundredths, round and compare decimals to 2 dp, show decimal equivalents of ½, ¼ and ¾ Estimate and read the time and convert between 12 and 24 hr clock in Year 4. Measure weight, distance and volume in mixed units Draw and recognise 2d and 3d shapes Recognise angles, lines of symmetry, parallel and perpendicular lines In Year 4 , identify coordinates and translate shapes. Find data on bar charts, pictograms and in Year 4, time graphs.

7 Monster Maths Focusses on times tables, addition bonds and subtraction bonds. My Maths All children will be reissued a My Maths password soon. Homework is set on this. Times tables Rockstars passwords will also be issued Bug club online reading will also be organised for those children reading books within the colour band range.

8 We would like the opportunity to be able to use excerpts of PG rated of films to enhance the children’s learning. We are therefore going to send out a letter asking for your permission and would be very grateful if you could sign and return it to your child’s class teacher If you would like to help out in school with school trips, reading etc, we would love to have you. However it is essential that you have DBS clearance, if you would like to find out about how to be checked then please see our wonderful ladies in the office.

9 School Values We have a value for each month of the school year:
Children are rewarded for demonstrating these values through the awards of Housepoints and personal classroom rewards. Children are also rewarded with golden time for 30 minutes on a Friday. This they have to earn over the week. Independence Aspiration Resilience Respect Cooperation Friendship Courage Tolerance Honesty Pride Curiosity

10 What else… Water Bottles need to be refreshed each day
Children may bring a healthy snack to eat at break time. (Fruit, fruit based, cereal bars) Swimming (Year 3) All children will need a coat for walking Girls need their hair tied up Swimming hats are allowed If your child needs to wear goggles for medical reasons then please advise us in a written letter. If girls struggle to put their tights on, then it may be easier to send them in trousers on a Monday.

11 Homework Children are expected to read to an adult regularly at home. Spellings will be sent home each week. My Maths and topic homework will be sent home when they fit in with the work we are doing in school.

12 Questions ?

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