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Forces that Shape the Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Forces that Shape the Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forces that Shape the Earth
Earthquake risk and the landforms that we see in all parts of Canada are a result of a number of natural processes Some build the land up, others wear it down Time is also something to consider; these processes take a very long time to happen



4 Plate Tectonics Theory of plate tectonics
The crust of the earth is floating on molten rock inside earth It is not a single piece but a puzzle like collection of plates (7 major one, 8 secondary and 60 minor) Think of what happens when you crack a hard-boiled egg- the cracks are the borders of the plates

5 Plate Tectonics The earth is shaped by plate movement Colliding plates
Separating plates Volcanoes within plate borders Types of plate movement- page 37, 38 and 39

6 Divergent

7 Convergent I

8 Convergent II

9 Transform

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