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Cities and climate changes

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1 Cities and climate changes
Corinne Hermant-de Callataÿ Urban Development and Territorial Cohesion Unit 9th meeting of the Interservice Group on Urban Development – 3 JULY 2008

2 Why ‘cities and climate change’ ? (1)
75% of the European population lives or works in cities and urban zones Up to 80% of CO2 emissions are generated by cities and, within these emissions, building and transport account for around 60% of total Challenges and objectives are global, but implementation is regional or local Cities are the places where the greatest impact may be achieved (density, transport, building)

3 Why ‘cities and climate change’ ?(2)
"It is essential that climate change be tackled in an integrated way. Choosing between mitigation and adaptation is comparable with choosing between mending a broken brake on a bicycle or buying a cycle helmet instead. Functioning brakes help to prevent accidents (mitigation), whereas the helmet is intended to avert disaster if an accident does occur (adaptation).”

4 I - Keys facts about cities and climate change
Many cities at risk The absence or lack of land use policy Urban sprawl Flood-prone areas Risk for cultural heritage Water scarcity New migration flows

5 II - What may cities do? Some examples
Spatial planning and infrastructure Use of spatial planning for encouraging more compact cities Energy-saving policies Public buildings; social buildings; standards for housing ; reduction of air-conditioning Public transport; energy policy Environmental governance Assessing risks and monitoring progress Exchange of experience through city networks

6 Powers of cities and towns Multi-level governance
III - Limiting factors Funding Powers of cities and towns Multi-level governance Public/private partnerships Decisions of individuals

7 IV – How may cohesion policy address the challenges?
2007 – 2013: strong emphasis but still diff. to assess Post 2013: Mitigation and measures / transport and energy Adaptation measures / impact of climate change Cross-cutting priorities Reinforce the exchange of information between cities Support information engineering at city level Foster "Urban mainstreaming" on environmental matters

8 Thank you for your attention

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