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Party Organization and Primary Processes

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Presentation on theme: "Party Organization and Primary Processes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Party Organization and Primary Processes

2 County and Local Committees Precinct Organization
Party Organization National Committee State Committees County and Local Committees Precinct Organization Party Members

3 Precinct Voting Districts

4 Connecticut Precinct’s and Representatives
John Larson, CT-01 Joe Courtney, CT-02 Dem. Rep Dem. Rep Rosa DeLauro, CT-03 Jim Himes, CT-04 Dem. Rep Dem. Rep Chris Murphy, CT-05 Dem. Rep

5 Why Might you support a party?
Family Friends Co-Workers Teachers Views on Issues

6 Changes in Party Strength
Patronage: decrease in party leaders doing favors for loyal supporters of the party Parties in Campaigns: candidates today are less dependent on party help Voter Loyalty: voters now tend to base their decision on the appeal of the candidate or the issues Straight ticket- voting for the candidates of only one party Split ticket- voting for candidates of more than one party

7 Methods of Selecting Candidates
Caucus – Closed meeting of party members in each state in which delegates select the party’s choice for presidential candidate Primary Election – special election in which voters select candidates to be the party’s nominee for president in the general election.

8 Types of Primary Elections
Closed Primary – Voters may vote in a party's primary only if they are registered members of that party Open Primary - A registered voter may vote in any party primary regardless of his or her own party affiliation.

9 Choosing Delegates Delegates must promise to support a certain candidate at the national convention. Candidates begin the race for president in Feb/March in New Hampshire (primary state) and Iowa (caucus state) How well a candidate does in these early tests will affect his or her ability to raise money and attract voters in later primaries and caucuses.

10 From Nominating Conventions to the National Conventions
Convention: a meeting or formal assembly, as of representatives or delegates, for discussion of and action on particular matters of concern.

11 Characteristics of A Convention
Attended by representatives or delegates Individuals meet at a pre-arranged place and time Delegates may create/vote on important matters Often held in large cities Attendees share common interest or issue Meeting or formal assembly

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