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Teaching in the School of Mathematics

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1 Teaching in the School of Mathematics
Toby Bailey (Director of Teaching (DoT)) Stuart King (Deputy Director of Teaching (DDoT)) “Around the School in 80 acronyms”

2 Who do we teach? Approx 200 per year Undergraduate (UG) plus 200 MSc (PGT) UG: Degrees 4 years (eg BSc) or 5 years (Mmath) Some students arrive directly into Year 2 A variety of combined (i.e. joint) degree programmes All students (except Y2 entry) do a mixed curriculum in their first two years credits per year Mix (Scottish and EU) + Rest of UK (RUK) + “Overseas” PGT: mainly 1-year, full-time. 120 taught credits plus Summer dissertation Financial Maths, OR, Statistics, computational applied

3 University of Edinburgh (UoE)
Senate – two “Learning and Teaching (L&T)” committees Academic Services (student systems, timetabling, …) Regulations, policies guidelines, … College of Science and Engineering (CSE) Deans of L&T, Students, QA, …. Academic administrator, Recruitment College L&T committee (CL&TC) Approves new courses/programmes, policies, concessions School of Maths Where L&T actually happens

4 School of Maths Boards (Some) Committees
In principle, Boards are answerable to College rather than Head of School (HoS) Board of Studies (BoS) Ultimate approval for new courses and programmes (and major changes) Boards of Examiners (BoE) Course results Progression (Some) Committees School Teaching Committee (STC) Teaching policy, new programmes, … Convened by DoT Teaching Programme Committee (TPC) Oversight, incremental change, QA, … Convened by DDoT Staff Student Liaison Committees (SSLC)

5 People and Roles (in no particular order)
Teaching Admin DoT and DDoT, DoQ Mathematics Teaching Organisation (MTO) Teaching Administrator (Alice Heatley), Deputy (Luke Caudrey) plus six. Year coordinators, Theme teaching representatives. Course Organisers (CO) Student Support Senior Tutors (ST) Personal tutors Most of us! Student Learning Advisors (SLA and PGSLA) Disability (DoT, SLA currently) Concessions (DDoT currently)

6 Course Organising For this and other information: Course Organisers are responsible for the smooth running of courses and enhancement. CO is the lecturer or one of the team of lecturers Things like exam timing and format, syllabus, learning outcomes, class times, numbers of lectures/workshops are determined by TPC / BoS. Particularly important areas: Students informed of timings (including feedback dates) at START of course Lecture recording (encouraged where facility exists) Late hand-in policy Accommodating adjustments Mainstreamed adjustments (e.g. microphone to be worn where available, outlines of lectures in advance, some form of lecture notes available (complete or outline).

7 Teaching Ethos Interactive engagement is better for learning (see eg Flipped classrooms and Top Hat being used a lot. Cooperative learning Open book exams (years 1 and 2, partial in some Y3) Technology enhancement Stack and Code Runner Research informed instruction Teaching Café Education Seminars/Colloquia

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