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Report on Date: Authors: July 2018 July 2013

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1 Report on 802.15 Date: 2018-07-13 Authors: July 2018 July 2013
January 2009September 2008 September 2008 doc.: IEEE /0924r0 July 2018 Report on Date: Authors: Clint Chaplin, Self Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics

2 Abstract Report on 802.15 as presented to 802.11 July 2018
September 2008 January 2009September 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE /0924r0 July 2018 Abstract Report on as presented to Clint Chaplin, Self Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics

3 802.15.4w Low Power Wide Area Networks
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 w Low Power Wide Area Networks Received 6 responses to their Call for Proposals Presented and discussed the responses. Trying for letter ballot January 2019 Slide 3 Slide 3 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 3 Page 3 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

4 802.15.4x Field Area Network Enhancements
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 x Field Area Network Enhancements Finished preparation of D0 of the draft. Going out for letter ballot after this session Slide 4 Slide 4 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 4 Page 4 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

5 802.15.4y Security Next Generation
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 y Security Next Generation Group is working on security enhancements throughout the standard Mostly incremental improvements (adding algorithms, tweaking language) Slide 5 Slide 5 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 5 Page 5 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

6 802.15.4z Enhanced IR-UWB Ranging
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 z Enhanced IR-UWB Ranging Reviewed nine contributions Approved merged baselines for the two major types of ranging (HRP, LRP) Trying to complete draft by November Slide 6 Slide 6 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 6 Page 6 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

7 802.15.7r1 Optical Wireless Communication
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 r1 Optical Wireless Communication Started initial Sponsor Ballot 8 July Will address comments with a BRC once ballot closes Slide 7 Slide 7 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 7 Page 7 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

8 802.15.10a Routing Module Addressing
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 a Routing Module Addressing Sending out draft for initial WG ballot Slide 8 Slide 8 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 8 Page 8 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

9 802.15.12 ULI (Upper Layer Interface)
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 ULI (Upper Layer Interface) Discussion on Protocol Discrimination Entity (PDE) Added primitives to support profiles and Yang modeling “Hello World” presentation Used 6tisch example Demonstrated the need to add primitives to PDE Updated ULI Mandatory Elements Operation ( ) Plan is to use this document as the preliminary draft standard Added Profile clause, new PDE primitives Discussion on Profile concepts Extensive discussion on best use of profiles Created Profile Types that describe all PIBs and primitive parameters used in IEEE Looking to have a first internal TG draft by March 2019 Slide 9 Slide 9 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 9 Page 9 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

10 802.15.13 Multi Gigabit/sec Optical Wireless Communications
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 Multi Gigabit/sec Optical Wireless Communications Review and discuss outcome of phone calls Minutes in docs /0277r0, 11-18/0278r0, 15-18/0312r0 Finalize PM PHY text in doc. 0003/r7 Results on 48-bit PM PHY synch preamble doc /0288r0 Resolve comments/make changes in doc. 0003/r7 Validation of PM PHY up to 200 MHz bandwidth doc /0172r4 Present and discuss LB PHY Present text version of 15-18/0267r2 Present and discuss HB PHY Present text proposal for High Bandwidth PHY in 15-18/0273r1 Resolve all comments against D2 Combined comments in doc /0088r3 Prepare D3 and collect and next steps/telcos needed for D4 Discuss TG13 MAC Text on MAC doc /0270r3 Organizing MAC frame formats in doc /0579r2 Currently reviewing drafts internally to the TG. Planning for first WG ballot October 2018 Slide 10 Slide 10 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 10 Page 10 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

11 High Rate Rail Communications IG
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 High Rate Rail Communications IG Has not met for a while Slide 11 Slide 11 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 11 Page 11 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

12 THz IG July 2018 Did not meet in San Diego
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 THz IG Did not meet in San Diego Met in May 2018: nine contributions discussed then. Plan to meet again in November 2019 Slide 12 Slide 12 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 12 Page 12 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

13 Dependable IG July 2018 September 2008 May 2008 July 2013
January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 Dependable IG Review Discussion in Previous Meetings Call for Agenda in this week doc.# dep Review of IG-DEP and related groups activites Review of IG Dependability Activities for Cars and other IoT & M2M Use cases and Amendment of IEEE Wireless Medical BAN doc.# Reviewing IEICE TC on Reliable Communication and Control (RCC) doc/# Reviewing IEICE TC on Healthcare and Medical Information Communication Technology (MICT) doc.# Reviewing ETSI Smart BAN Project doc.# Presentation Overview of IG-DEP Activities on Enhanced Dependability in Wireless Networks for Automotive and Medical Healthccare Use Cases doc.# Space-time domain interference mitigation using based on OMF and TDL-AA for dependable UWB-BANs doc.# Improved error controlling scheme for WBAN doc.# A dependable MAC protocol matched to bi-directional transmission in WBAN Superframe controlling scheme based on IEEE for dependable WBAN Review of IEEE Wireless Medical BAN Discussion Slide 13 Slide 13 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 13 Page 13 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

14 Vehicular Assistive Technology IG
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 Vehicular Assistive Technology IG . Contribution presentations: + 4 contributions from Kookmin University + 15 contributions SNUST. 3. Discussions and completed - Publicizing VAT IG activities - Draft version of CSD and PAR document - Suggested title for SG: Standard for Vehicular OWC SG Slide 14 Slide 14 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 14 Page 14 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

15 September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 Maintenance SC Discussion on any other issues with published standards? ISO/IEC/IEEE FDIS ballot started 20 April 2017 and closed on 9 September 2017 with the voting results of 10 in favor out of 12 = 83 % (requirement >= 66.66%) and 2 negative votes out of 14 = 14 % (requirement <= 25%) Two comments from ISO/IEC/IEEE FDIS to be resolved: Discussion on any issues with the Operations Manual ( ) Consensus of the group was that we will need discussion on the topic of ANA registration of alternate cryptographic algorithms e.g. what kind of requirements for a specification, and what kind of test vectors are required. Slide 15 Slide 15 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 15 Page 15 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

16 IETF SC IETF 102 agenda for constrained WGs Status Updates 6tisch core
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 IETF SC IETF 102 agenda for constrained WGs Status Updates 6tisch core 6lo roll suit lp-wan Slide 16 Slide 16 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 16 Page 16 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

17 WNG SC Presentations: July 2018 presentations were heard on:
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 July 2018 WNG SC Presentations: presentations were heard on: 15-9-Extensions-for-4y: group agreed that effort should move ahead, skip SG request and draft a PAR and CSD in Sept for EC approval in November Review of IG Dependability Activities for Cars and other IoT & M2M use cases and Amendment of IEEE Wireless Medical BAN. Comment that IG Dep should reduce the amount of use cases and focus the effort to clearly defined goals in September Slide 17 Slide 17 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 17 Page 17 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

18 References This document All Documents
September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE /0697r0 doc.: IEEE /0924r0 July 2018 References This document All Documents Current draft is in the members-only area  Members_Only_Area members log in using username and password Slide 18 Clint Chaplin, Self Page 18 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung

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