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Santa Cruz , Bolivia September 17-22, 2012

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1 Santa Cruz , Bolivia September 17-22, 2012
LWF-LAC Regional Gathering on Sustainability and Human & Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) “That is why today we have hope, that is why we struggle with stubbornness:” -Responsible Stewardship- Santa Cruz , Bolivia September 17-22, 2012

2 LWF Strategy

3 Goal: LWF Strategic Plan (2012-2017)
Liberated by God’s grace, a communion in Christ living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world.

4 LWF Strategic Plan (2012-2017) Priority Area 1:
Communion strengthened in worship and ongoing theological discernment, ecumenical dialogue, and interfaith collaboration. Priority Area 2: Member churches growing in capacity for holistic mission and deepening relationships with each other. Priority Area 3: Effective and empowering diakonia addressing human suffering, injustice, and emergencies.

5 Structural implication of the LWF 2012-2017 Strategy for the Communion Office
From six units (Offices for Communication Services, Finance, and Human Rersources, Departments for Theology and Studies, Mission and Development, and World Service) to four departments (Department for Theology and Public Witness, DMD, DWS, and Planning and Operations) Enhanced collaboration among the three priority areas Cross-cutting priorities working with all the departments. Youth participation in place.

6 Structural implication

7 Programmatic Implication.
Strategy Commitment for Priority Area 2 LWF’s approach to capacity development: that all member churches have assets and strength as well as capacities, that existing assets, strength and capacities need further development, that facilitation of spaces is essential for regional and global accompaniment of the member churches, to meet these needs.

8 Programmatic implication contd.
Main Goals for Priority Area 2: Increased Common Understanding of Holistic Mission: Proclamation, Diakonia and Advocacy. Confidence for proclaiming the Gospel, serving people and creation and building relationships. Embracing leadership cultures and governance practices that are participatory, empowering, transparent and accountable. Active and equitable engagement of women and young people in church life and leadership.

9 Programmatic implication on Sustainability
Goal Motivate and nourish the reflection process and the actions that derive from the sustainable projection on the LWF member churches in Latin America and the Caribbean (Trusting in the Future, 2007, page 4).

10 Programmatic implication on Sustainability
Main areas of accompaniment Thinking and building the church (eclesiology) Planning, monitoring and assessment (PME) Development of human and economic resources (Institutional Capacity)

11 Programmatic implication on Sustainability
Emphasis Increase communication and collaboration between network of referents Support various capacity building processes (HICD) Accompany member churches that have recently innitiated PEP processes Strengthen local processes driven by organizational management regarding human resources retention in the member churches.

12 Main areas of LWF accompaniment through Capacity Development include:
Programmatic implication for Human & Institutional Capacity Development (HICD). Main areas of LWF accompaniment through Capacity Development include: Identifying and facilitating better access to expertise and resources; Linking churches with training and capacity development opportunities; Linking new leaders to training and opportunities for reflection on Lutheran identity; Enhancing communication and mutual sharing of information and knowledge; Developing practical guides and training programs.

13 Programmatic implication for the HICD: Sharing Space with the Regional Gathering on Sustainability

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