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New Seating Chart Annie Lydia Allysa Caity Kate Marissa Haley Mary Pat

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Presentation on theme: "New Seating Chart Annie Lydia Allysa Caity Kate Marissa Haley Mary Pat"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Seating Chart Annie Lydia Allysa Caity Kate Marissa Haley Mary Pat
Natalie Elaina Camryn Alicia Christine Stephanie Chianne Eliza Rebecca M Sy V. Sophia Grace Jasmine Ellie Rebecca B Autumn Matthew Stephen Nicholas Scott V Donald Ryan Josh Joel Tomasso Christian Jakob S Gabriel Steven Xander Jacob A Scott S Andrey James Noah John Ben

2 HS Reorientation Jan 2017

3 Ask yourself: Why am I in choir class this year?
Why Choir? Ask yourself: Why am I in choir class this year? California & JAA requires you to take a full year of an approved fine arts class to graduate. I was put in choir or it seemed the easiest. Choir is fun! I like singing and hanging out with my friends! I am interested in learning more about music and improving my skills. I want to have amazing experiences in making music!

4 Things to Remember abt Choir
It is not a “do nothing,” “easy-A” class 40% Class Participation & Professionalism 20% Quizzes, Sight-Singing, & Dictation 20% Writing Assignments & Projects 20% Performance Participation & Professionalism It is not designed for student entertainment There are national standards for the curriculum Things we study have to be high-quality “classics” just like any other class Music is important Like stories, every culture has music. It teaches us a lot about life Classical music makes us more intelligent, moral, and healthy

5 Class Participation Rubric
10 Points: Displays a very high level of professionalism, going well beyond class expectations. Displays servant-leadership, helping other scholars and/or instructor be more successful. Takes leading roles in class activities, including singing and discussions. Shows exceptional work ethic in improving skills and learning material. No unexcused tardies or absences. 9 Points: Displays a high level of professionalism through behavior consistently appropriate to class expectations and procedures. Consistently interacts with instructor and/or other scholars in a respectful manner. Consistently involved in class activities including singing and discussions. Consistently works and performs at a high level in relation to their abilities. Few, if any tardies or absences. 8 Points: Displays a moderate level of professionalism through behavior occasionally inappropriate to class expectations and procedures. Usually interacts with instructor and other scholars in a respectful manner. Typically involved in class activities including singing and discussions. Usually works and performs at a high level in relation to their abilities. Some tardies or unexcused absences.

6 Performance Rubric 35-40 Points: On time, well prepared, participated energetically, acted professionally. 30-35 Points: Mostly on time, pretty well prepared, participated but not with energy, and/or was a little unprofessional. 25-30 Points: Not on time, not very well prepared, did not totally participate, and/or acted unprofessionally. 20-25 Points: Unprepared, didn’t participate some of the time, and/or acted unprofessionally multiple times. 15-20 Points: Very unprepared, didn’t participate a lot of the time, and/or acted unprofessionally a lot of the time.

7 Changing gears… Discussion Time.

8 What does it mean to be an Artist?

9 How will these artistic traits help me in my life?

10 Writing Assignment: Write at least one page in your journal answering these three questions. Be detailed! Extra credit for good answers more than a page long. What does it mean to be an artist? How am I an artist? How will developing artistic traits help me in my life? How am I doing on reaching my artistic goals? Optional additional questions (if needed for space): How should I behave in class to be professional? Why is music class important to my education?

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