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Smoc2 marks intestinal stem cells in vivo.

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1 Smoc2 marks intestinal stem cells in vivo.
Smoc2 marks intestinal stem cells in vivo. (A) An EGFP‐ires‐CreERT2 cassette was inserted at the translational start site of Smoc2 by homologous recombination, followed by excision of the Neo cassette by Cre mediated recombination. (B) Endogenous GFP expression was readily detectable in crypt base columnar cells, the Lgr5+ stem cells of the small intestine. Of note, the expression of GFP was patchy as in the Lgr5‐ki mouse, indicating a silencing in the majority of crypts. (C) Lineage tracing in Smoc2‐EGFP‐ires‐CreERT2/R26RLacZ mice showed long‐term labelling (>6 month) of intestinal stem cells and revealed typical intestinal stem cell tracing events. Javier Muñoz et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend

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