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The Cell SPI 3210.1.1 -.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell SPI 3210.1.1 -."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell SPI

2 2 main types Prokaryotes Smaller & simpler No nucleus Ex. bacteria
Eukaryotes More complex Nucleus Ex. plants & animals

3 Nucleus Brain of cell; control center
Strands of chromatin (chromosomes) = DNA Instructions for making proteins

4 Nucleolus: Darkened part in nucleus where ribosomes are made
Nuclear membrane: a.k.a. nuclear envelope; has pores; allows materials to move in and out of nucleus

5 Cytoskeleton Helps to maintain shape & allow movement
Microtubules- hollow tubes Microfilaments- long thin fibers


7 Ribosomes Where proteins are made Located in: rough Endoplasmic reticulum & in cytoplasm

8 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Rough: Where cell membrane is made Proteins are modified Smooth: no ribosomes; makes enzymes that do stuff (e.x. make lipids)

9 Golgi Apparatus

10 Where proteins go when they leave the rough e.r.
Enzymes attach carbohydrates & lipids to proteins They “package” them and then send them away

11 Lysosomes

12 Small Filled with enzymes Break down food particles to be used Break down old cell parts “digestion” A.k.a vessicles

13 Vacuoles

14 Storage Water, salt, proteins & carbs Small in animal cells; large in plant cells Pressure within allows plants to stand upright

15 Mitochondria

16 “powerhouse” Releases energy from stored food molecules Energy is used for growth, development & movement Contain some of their own DNA Comes from mom!!!

17 Chloroplasts

18 Plant cells (not animal)
Use energy from the sun to make food Photosynthesis Contains chlorophyll


20 Centrioles Animal cells only Microtubules Involved in cell reproduction (mitosis)

21 Cytoplasm jelly-like substance in between the organelles in a cell

22 Cell Membrane Cell wall Not found in animal cells
Selectively permeable to allow substances in an out of the cell. All cells Cell wall Not found in animal cells


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