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Introduction to Rheology and Rock Mechanics

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1 Introduction to Rheology and Rock Mechanics
Lecture 10, Geology for Engineers

2 Rheology and rock mechanics
Goal: Relating stress to strain Rock mechanics: the study of rock under stress Near the earth’s surface, rocks are elastic solids characterized by elastic and brittle behavior Rheology: Study of flow properties in fluids and solids, Typically ductile behavior, occurs in rocks at depth Terms Plastic/elastic: permanent/springs back, nonpermanent Ductile deformation: Marked by a flow-like behavior (e.g. silly putty) Brittle deformation: marked by a failure – breaking of the rock (fracturing)

3 Rheology and rock mechanics
Stress and strain are related Physical properties modify simple relationships between the two Pressure state, temperature and time relationship are important Fast, low P,T  elastic-brittle Slow, high P,T  ductile Common: combined mechanisms Does the glacier flow, or break?

4 Models of deformation Common plots We use idealized models to describe mechanical behavior on small scales. Assumptions: Isotropic material (same physical properties throughout rock vol.) Primary stretching axes = Primary stress axes Good for small degrees of strain PLOTS: Either e vs. σ, or time vs. e σ e e t

5 Models of deformation The creep curve
real rock behaviors are complex! Plotting strain vs. time Behavior under compression Three strain regimes over time observed: dec. strain rate Constant strain rate Inc. strain rate (until failure) One goal: Understanding the elements! Generalized strain-time curve Primary Secondary Tertiary Assumption (or experimental condition): Constant applied stress

6 Deformation behaviors
Examples Stress vs. strain Strain over time

7 Strain rate Interval over which a strain accumulates, or elongation over time (ė) ė = e/t, measured in 1/sec or sec-1 (recall: strain is unitless!) e time

8 Elastic materials Resist deformation
Strains as stress is applied; recovers shape when stress ceases Internal bonds stretched, not broken Consider a spring…

9 Elastic materials Three behaviors Linear elastic
Linear relationship between stress and strain  strain (elongation) is proportional to stress applied Double the weight on the spring, double the length! Deformation isn’t permanent

10 Elastic materials Hooke's Law defines the relationship in terms of mechanical properties σ = E*e E is Young’s modulus Ratio of stress to strain Stiffness, or resistance to shape change Related term – Shear modulus (μ) Higher E generally = higher strength σ inc. (loading) σ dec. (loading) Strain recovers proportionally, too

11 Elastic materials Common geologic materials behave this way (to a point…) Keep in mind, strains are very small (just a few %)! From experimental data

12 Elastic materials Non-linear elasticity: more common
Due to variable stress to strain relationship Perfect elastic: Non linear σ/e values, loading and unloading follow the same path Elastic with hysteresis: Different loading and unloading paths

13 Elasticity and Poisson’s ratio
Poisson effect: The balance between elongation in one direction and flattening in another, relative to compression Balanced in an incompressible material (no vol. change during def.) Poisson’s ratio ν (nu) = eperpendicular/eparallel (recall: (-) e is shortening, (+) e is lengthening) Rubber: almost totally incompressible

14 Elasticity and Poisson’s ratio
ν = e perpendicular/e parallel Punch line: confining stress limits e in both v and h! Unconfined state: no restriction To elongation Horiz. stress restricts Elongation in both directions! νrock ≈ 0.25

15 Plasticity Elastic behavior explains strains in rock near surface
Plastic strain is permanent – not recovered like elastic strain At depth, rock flows! Dependent on time (strain rate)

16 Viscous materials Viscosity: The ease of flow in a material
Dependence of strain rate on applied stress: στ = η*γ. (η = viscosity constant, γ. = shear strain rate) Newtonian fluid (ideal) or linear viscosity Viscous material More applied stress = faster shear strain rate

17 Non-linear viscous behavior
9/19/2014 Linear viscosity – only in true fluids Geologic e.g’s: Magma, salt, overpressured mud Non-linear viscosity: viscosity (η) changes w/ strain rate (ė) E.g. hot rock in the crust Folding Boudinage (the sausage-like layers) – also contrasts in viscosity! η for water 10-3 pa s η for glacial ice 1011 pa s η for glass 1014 pa s η for rock salt 1017 pa s η for asthenosphere 1021 pa s

18 Plastic behavior Strain with no loss of continuity
Both models of flow… Strain with no loss of continuity Permanent strains, without fracturing, accumulated over time Essentially, flow in solid material! Crystal plasticity: Bonds break but coherency is maintained Different responses to stress!

19 Plastic behavior Due to microscale deformation mechanisms  harder to define parameters (e.g. migration of crystal lattice defects) Flow laws: quantify these relationships ė = Aσn exp(-Q/RT)  [power law] A = material constant, Q = activation energy, R = gas constant, T = Absolute temp.

20 Plastic behavior Perfectly plastic material Elastic plastic material
Stress cannon exceed yield stress 100% incompressible Strength not strain rate sensitive Elastic plastic material Elastic behavior until yield stress  “instant” strain Plastic behavior beyond yield stress

21 Elastic-Plastic behavior
Steady state or creep: Const. stress produces const. strain (Blue) Strain hardening (Red) Stress inc. to keep strain inc. Due to defect migration and accumulation in strain zones Strain softening (Green) Less stress needed to maintain strain Physical property changes Strain hardening e.g. Restoring a bent wire

22 Elastic-Plastic behavior
Strain hardening outcomes: Recoverable elastic portion (if stress is removed) permanent plastic portion If the rupture strength/ultimate strength is reached… failure results!

23 Viscoplastic behavior
9/19/2014 No deformation below yield stress Perfect viscous behavior above yielded stress (time dependent) Example: Silicic magma Crystals and liquid  cohesive, must be overcome Example: Thin coat of pain on a wall

24 Viscoelastic behavior
Recoverable strain elements Rate for loading and unloading is different General Eqn: σ = E*e + η*ė Two flavors:

25 General linear behavior
9/19/2014 Closest to natural rock Strain begins at yield stress Combines Kelvin and Maxwell viscoelastic properties Recoverable elastic and permanent strains

26 Deviations from models
Temperature: Inc. T lowers yield stress Rate of strain: slow strain favors plastic def., fast strain favors elastic to brittle Fluids: Inc. fluid content lowers yield stress Confining pressure: Inc. confining pressure strengthens rock Grain size: Small grains favor plastic deformation Fabric orientations Experimental data: Yule marble Normal to fabric Parallel to fabric Diff. rates

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