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Exponential Relations

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1 Exponential Relations
y = abx a  b

2 Exponential Relations
y = abx number of periods of growth or decay a Initial Value b Growth or Decay Factor

3 Exponential Growth & Decay
Exponential Growth: b >1 y = a(1+r) x growth factor b = 1 + r  r = % growth as a decimal (a is still the initial value) Exponential Decay: b < 1 y = a(1-r) x growth factor b = 1 - r  r = % decay as a decimal

4 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A colony of fruit flies increases by 50% each week. If there are 3 flies around a fruit bowl, how many will there be in 5 weeks? y = a(1+r) x y = __________ y = __________ there would be __ flies y = _________

5 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A colony of fruit flies increases by 50% each week. If there are 3 flies around a fruit bowl, how many will there be in 5 weeks? y = a(1+r) x y = 3(1+50/100) 5 y = 3(1+0.5) 5 there would be 23 flies y = 3(1.5) 5 y = 22.78

6 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A bacterial population doubles every 20 minutes. If there are 300 bacteria to begin with, how many will there be in 3 hours? y = a(1+r) x y = __________ y = _________

7 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A bacterial population doubles every 20 minutes. If there are 300 bacteria to begin with, how many will there be in 3 hours? (Note: x = 3(60÷20) (x = # of hours x # of 20 min periods in 1 hr)) y = a(1+r) x y = __________ y = _________

8 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A bacterial population doubles every 20 minutes. If there are 300 bacteria to begin with, how many will there be in 3 hours? (Note: x = 3(60÷20) (x = # of hours x # of 20 min periods in 1 hr)) y = a(1+r) x y = 300(1+100/100) 3(3) y = 300(2) 9 y = There would be bacteria

9 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
If there are 1000 deer in a park and the population decreases at a rate of 3% per year, how many deer will remain in 6 years? y = a(1- r) x y = __________ y = _________

10 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
If there are 1000 deer in a park and the population decreases at a rate of 3% per year, how many deer will remain in 6 years? y = a(1- r) x y = 1000(1- 3/100) 6 y = 1000( ) 6 y = 1000(0.97) 6 y = 833 There will be 833 left

11 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
Caffeine in coffee, tea and many soft drinks goes into your blood stream. It leaves the blood stream at a rate of 13% each hour. What percent of the original amount of caffeine is left in your bloodstream after four hours? (The initial value is not important. Find the % of “a” that is left) b = (1 - r) x b = __________ b = _________

12 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
Caffeine in coffee, tea and many soft drinks goes into your blood stream. It leaves the blood stream at a rate of 13% each hour. What percent of the original amount of caffeine is left in your bloodstream after four hours? (The initial value is not important. Find the % of “a” that is left) b = (1 - r) x b = (1 – 13/100) 4 b = (1 – 0.13) 4 b = (0.87) 4 b =0 .57 or 57% 57% would be left.

13 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A radioactive isotope has a half life of 5 years. A lab has a 24g sample. How many half lives will have lapsed in 125 years? ___________________________ How much of the sample will be left in 125 years? y = a(1- r) x y = __________ y = _________

14 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A radioactive isotope has a half life of 5 years. A lab has a 24g sample. How many half lives will have lapsed in 125 years? 125 ÷ 5 = 25 How much of the sample will be left in 125 years? y = a(1- r) x y = __________ y = _________

15 Exponential Growth & Decay Problems
A radioactive isotope has a half life of 5 years. A lab has a 24g sample. How many half lives will have lapsed in 125 years? 125 ÷ 5 = 25 How much of the sample will be left in 125 years? y = a(1- r) x y = 24(1- 0.5) 25 y = 24(0.5) 25 y = 7.15 x 10 -7 There will be 7.15 x 10 -7g

16 In your text do the following:
p200#6 (ans p440), p182#8 (ans p439), p187#4 (ans p439), & Ch 4 Review

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