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Gerund or Infinitive?.

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Presentation on theme: "Gerund or Infinitive?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gerund or Infinitive?

2 Gerund Review Gerunds are the noun forms of verbs. verb+ing = gerund
Gerunds are NOT attached to helping verbs. Examples Drawing is fun. Eating late at night may lead to nightmares. He hates doing homework.

3 Progressive Verb or Gerund?
Helping verbs in Progressive Tenses show time: Helping verb + action verb = verb phrase. I am walking. I was walking. Gerunds = noun form of verb. Gerund = ing + verb NO HELPING VERB Walking is a good time.

4 Gerund Hints 1. Used as subjects and complements Ex. Skiing is my favorite sport. Hiking can be very strenuous. Seeing is believing.

5 2. Used as objects following prepositions (idioms)
Ex. Thanks for tending my children. The job consists of typing, filing, and answering the phone.

6 3. Used as objects following certain verbs.
Ex. The children enjoyed watching the parade. Ms. Terrell avoided paying her taxes until it was too late.

7 Gerunds can sometimes take objects of their own
Ex. Roland is afraid of making mistakes. Sandy is considering leaving New York.

8 Infinitives Infinitives are another noun form of verbs.
To + base form= infinitive Ex. To study English is my greatest joy. ** Exactly like Gerunds… Infinitives can be a subject, object or compliment noun of a sentence.

9 Infinitive Hints Used as subjects and subject complements. Ex.
To know me is to love me. To live in Hawaii is my lifetime dream.

10 2. Used as objects following certain verbs
2. Used as objects following certain verbs. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your gift. He hesitated to ask the embarrassing question

11 3. Used as a shortened form of in order to.
Ex. You must take this medicine (in order) to get well. I went to the bank to cash a check.

12 Infinitives can sometimes take objects of their own.
Ex. We hope to find the person who did this. I was asked to make a dessert for the potluck dinner.

13 Practice Write down each sentence. Underline the verbs.
Circle the gerunds. Make a box around infinitives. *Example on Board

14 The clown tried to carry too many boxes.

15 The movie was about to start and everyone was feeling excited.

16 Writing for a newspaper is hard work because we have to finish our articles before we can go home.

17 Leaving is always difficult for Susan because she never wants to say goodbye when it’s time to go.

18 My heart is beating very fast because my mom is about to walk through the door.

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