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The Most Five Effective Slogans

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1 The Most Five Effective Slogans
by Gin Lu

2 生命就該浪費在美好的事物上(曼仕德咖啡) Life ought to be spent on wonderful things
Analyzing This slogan is short but meaningful. It starts from making people to believe in what their saying is right. In the following, they use the metaphor to connect their product with this sentence. In other words, if we think the slogan is right, we may think their product is good at the same time. Explaining This phrase is telling us that their coffee is worthy to drink by spending our lifetime on it.

3 我每天只睡一個小時。(蕭薔SK2) I sleep for only one hour every day.
Analyzing This slogan is an ordinary speaking word. However, it becomes a powerful sentence by the speaking of a beautiful and well-known actress. This actress maintains her skin in such a good condition. So, there will many people who want to have skin like her attract by the exaggeration sentence. Besides, this slogan is that common, so it's easy to remember. Explaining The product can help people to keep their skin in a good condition even without insufficient sleep.

4 您一輩(e Bay)子買不到的東西, 請到Yahoo! 奇摩拍賣。
Analyzing This slogan use the way of one sentence with a double meaning. First, from the literal meaning, they want to convey the characteristic of their product. Second, the lifelong in Chinese sounds like the word eBay which is their competitor. They want to degrade their competitors but in an indirectly way . Explaining Yahoo auction can buy things we have never met before and things that can't be found in the eBay auction.

5 Technology has always come from human nature. 科技始終來自人性。 (Nokia 手機)
Analyzing Technical products are always to have a distance away from human beings. However, this slogan breaks our stereotype of it. It conveys their technical products are created by the need of human beings. Explaining It says their cell phones are easy to manipulate.

6 肝哪無好,人生是黑白的; 肝哪顧好,人生是彩色的。 (許榮助養肝丸)
肝哪無好,人生是黑白的; 肝哪顧好,人生是彩色的。 (許榮助養肝丸) Analyzing This slogan use the way of parallelism to describe the two differences between a good liver and a bad one. In the meantime, they use the metaphor to describe the meaning. Besides, it's rhymes, so it's easy to speak and remember. Explaining It says the importance of taking good care of our liver. By using their product, we will have a good liver. If we want to have a colorful life , we need to have a good liver first.

7 ~The End~

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