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In – House Training S h e n s h i p .c o m.

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Presentation on theme: "In – House Training S h e n s h i p .c o m."— Presentation transcript:

1 In – House Training S h e n s h i p .c o m

2 T o p i c s 1. Business Model 2. Accident Prevention ( Safety )Program
3. Business Etiquette  4.      Fundamental Shipping Concepts 5.       Office Management 6.       Shipping Practice Marketing and Salesmanship 8.       Logistics – A 9 Letter Word

3 Accident Prevention ( Safety ) Program

4 Worldwide Activities, Acting Responsibility
At Shenship, our  people are the source of  all  our  abilities and  all our successes. Our future depends on the experiences, innovations, professional knowledge management of our people through continued training. This fuels the creativity  and  the  enhancement of our services rendered to our integrated partners. As our business activities are worldwide,  we recognize we  have  a responsibility to be a good corporate citizen in our communities and help preserve the environment for the generations to come. We understand that HSE  is  a  core element of best practice. That is  why we  are committed to listening and responding to the needs of our customers, our workmates, our subcontractors and our agents who  are  all our  integrated  partners  and  to  working with others in the industry to raise HSE standards. The care we put into the safety  of  our services  and  practices strictly complies with  all   environmental   laws  and  regulatory standards on a worldwide basis. No accidents,  no harm to people,  no  damage to the environment, no delay of project  are not enough. We also need no wastage and excess usage of any natural resources in our daily routine. Therefore, our people can go home happily after the day’s work is done.

5 Accident Prevention ( Safety) Program
A high performance standard in health, environmental protection and safety is the management’s duty in all industry. Zero accidents and free from injuries and losses are clear objectives for all our employees in all levels in our daily operations.

6 An Accident Assessment team is designated :-
to implement all procedures and measures of the Accident Prevention ( Safety ) Program at all times to acquaint employees at all level of safety, health and environmental protection to minimize human and environmental impacts to clear all our workplaces from recognized safety hazards to comply with relevant safety ordinances and regulations as set by the Hong Kong Government

7 Contents of the Program
Where Accidents Occur Types of Accidents Why Accidents occur When Accidents Occur Who Needs to Know Who Takes Charge of Prevention Who Should be Contacted When Accidents Occur How To Avoid Accidents

8 1. Where Accident Occur Work is usually performed by our employees at the locations listed below :- The General Office The Warehouse Outdoor Operations

9 2. Types of Accidents In the General Office Contact with Electricity
Struck Against Furniture i.e. Desk Drawers Torn by Stationary, etc.

10 2. Types of Accidents At Warehouse Slips, Trips or Falls at Same Level
Slips, Trips or Falls at Height Struck By Struck Against Caught In, Under, Between or Against Over Exertion Exposure to Extreme Temperatures Exposure to Harmful Substances Contact with Electricity Process or production Upset Environment Contamination Ergonomics (VDUs)In General Office Struck Against Furniture i.e. Desk Drawers Torn by Stationary, etc.

11 2. Types of Accidents During Outdoor Operations
Slips, Trips or Falls at Same Level Slips, Trips or Falls at Height Struck By, Struck Against Caught In, Under, Between or Against Exposure to Extreme Temperatures Exposure to Harmful Substances Vehicle Accidents

12 3. Why Accidents Occur When we’re not well trained even after briefing, When we least expected it, When the risk is insignificantly low, When we’re careless in what we are doing !

13 4. When Accidents Occur Safety of Personnel always comes first,
Secondly, Safeguarding the Environment, Last, Safety of property

14 5. Who Needs to Know All Level of Employees in the Workplace,
Temporary or Sub-contractors’ Labour, All Others who might be affected by our operations.

15 6. Who In Charge of Prevention
An Accident Assessment Team has been formed Headed by Mr. Benjamin LO Assisted by Mr. Yuksang YUEN, Mr. Garfield MAO Mr. Ken LUO

16 7. Who Should Contact When Accident Occur
Benjamin LO Mobile - (852) Home - (852) Office - (852) - Yuksang YUEN Mobile - (852) Home - (852) Office - (852) - Garfield MAO Mobile - (86) Home - (86-755) Office - (852) - Ken LUO Mobile - (86) Home - (86-755) Office - (86-755) -

17 8. How To Avoid Accident The Accident Assessment Team has to ensure that the following procedures are enforced at all times and be practiced on a routine basis: a briefing or an orientation of the Accident Prevention (Safety) Program must be given to new employees during their first week of reporting for duty a routine survey and inspection of the safety conditions of the equipment, fixtures and facilities in the workplace must be carried out monthly a continual external or in-house training of safety concepts and knowledge must be attended by employees at all levels a monthly meeting of safety assessment must be conducted on the below subjects :- . to propose or review the administrative measures i.e. signs, procedures, systems, training, accident report, consequence data , etc. . to identify jobs steps, equipment used, known and potential accident associated with the jobs, work environment changes . to assign the appropriate employee to implement the new safety measures and to record the completion date

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