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Family Networks Web Progress Review

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1 Family Networks Web Progress Review
Network Provider Staff use Treatment Progress to record the success at meeting the goals and the efficacy of the activities which were established by a client’s Active or Closed Treatment Plan.  All the Goals and Activities selected during a Treatment Plan are presented in the Treatment Progress and the user records a Goal Progress Rating and Goal Progress Comment for each Goal and an Activity Efficacy Rating and Comment for each Activity associated to that goal.  

2 Treatment Progress Navigation Navigation Pane
Click the “Children & Families” tab. Use the dropdown to select the “Service Delivery Site”. Select the appropriate child from the Navigation Pane. Click the “Progress” tab. The Progress tab will display Treatment Plans That have a current status of “Active” or “Closed” Click “Open” to begin the “Treatment Progress” review for a specific Treatment Plan.

3 Treatment Progress Significant Event
The green checkmark in the Navigation Pane indicates a given area has been fully completed. The red asterisk indicates a mandatory field. You will not be able to send the review for approval without completing these fields. Complete the “Significant Events” window. Select “Save and Next”.

4 Treatment Progress Progress Details
You need to enter treatment progress details for each goal that was entered on the Treatment Plan. “Goal Comments” and “Goal Activity Formulation” will pre-populate from the Treatment Plan. You will need to complete the “Activity Rating”, “Goal Progress Rating”, and the “Goal Progress Comment” for each Treatment Plan goal listed in the Navigation Pane. Click “Save and Next” to save the completed Treatment Progress information and to be redirected to the next Treatment Progress section to be completed.

5 Treatment Progress Systemic Barriers
Complete the Systemic Barriers window If there are no Systemic Barriers you can simply click the “No Systemic Barriers” checkbox. If there are “Systemic Barriers” complete the remainder of the window accordingly. Click “Save and Next” to continue to the “Discharge & Summary” window.

6 Treatment Progress Discharge & Summary
“Treatment Plan Summary” and the “Safety Plan for Child and Community” sections are pre-populated from the Treatment Plan. You need to complete the “Progress Review Summary”. You cannot send the document for approval without completing this section. Complete the “Discharge Arrangements” if necessary. Click “Save and Next” to continue to the “Review/Approve” window. .

7 Treatment Progress Review/Approve Click the printer icon to print the
Treatment Progress Review document. Use the scrollbar to review the document Click the “Approvals” button. This will launch you to the Approval window. Click “Approve” on the Approval window.

8 Treatment Progress Conference
The “Conference” window allows you to schedule a case conference, or to record who attended a case conference. The window will display those who are electronically tied to the case, I.e. Lead Agency staff, DSS staff, Provider staff. Use the “Add Participants” button if necessary. Completing this window and clicking the “Save” button will send a “Work Reminder” (Family Networks Web) or “Tickler” (FamilyNet) to those who are not electronically tied to the case. Those who are not will need to be contacted separately.

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