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How a Bill becomes a Law.

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Presentation on theme: "How a Bill becomes a Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 How a Bill becomes a Law

2 A Bill is Drafted This can be done by a member of Congress, a person in the Executive Branch, or even an outside group or citizen

3 Introduced to the House
Only members of the House can introduce bills

4 Sent to Committee Sent here by the Speaker of the House

5 Committee Action Most bills die here; Can be pigeonholed, tabled, amended or voted on.

6 Rules Committee If voted on, this committee decides the guidelines for this bill and when the debate on this issue/bill will take place

7 Floor Action The House debates the bill; may add amendments- if majority votes in favor it goes to the Senate

8 Repeat the Entire Process in the Senate

9 If either chamber objects to changes or elements of the bill, it goes to a Conference Committee where members from both houses work out a compromise

10 Vote on a Compromise Both houses must approve changes; if approved the bill moves on, if not it goes back to committee

11 Presidential Action The President may sign (approve) or veto (reject) it
If he signs it- the Bill becomes a law If he vetoes it- it can still become a law if 2/3 of both houses vote to override the veto

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