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Names (first and second)

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1 Names (first and second)
CONASTA 2015 GTP Workshop Insert Photo Names (first and second) Schools Names Introduction What is the authentic learning in science? How can it help me to engage students in the sciences? In what way can I highlight the importance of interdisciplinary sciences, to give students a grasp of physics and physicists? Helping Students Challenging Stereotypes of what I thought physicists were like Male vs female stereotypes Reflect on whether you can see men and women in the role of physicist, Can I identify with physicists and physics? What they look like and whether I can see myself doing similar things to them. Do I think I am able to do physics, am I capable? Has it changed my mind about studying physics or staying in physics studies? We would like to know what helps you make up your mind, or influences you to take up a subject or stay enrolled in a subject. What related career pathways or opportunities are connected with science that i was not aware of before? Building the knowledge about pathways and transferable skills is essential (see paper by Office of Chief Scientist) Helping Students How else can authentic experiences help students? Relating the esoteric physics, chemistry and maths to the more accessible biology, environment and other sciences can make them more appealing to study and thus retain students. Aim/Motivation The aim of GTP program is to support teachers & students to connect with science through authentic pedagogy. It is linked to curriculum outcomes and linked to the understanding we have from education research and theory. Do you find this useful, is it supportive for you to implement possible project in your school? 3D structure of Influenza viral neuraminadase The Australian Synchrotron Diffraction Patterns of laser light through different size slits Rocket Writing - How is science research investigations related to a real world problem and or have or make real world applications or used? Reflection about the job opportunities that physics can open up for students. Try and list all the types of pathways and careers physics can give, e.g. nanotechnology and others that you would not have known about. How important is it to know the types of jobs students can follow to the subject choices they make? Give an indication of very, not very or not at all. Give some detail if you can. Concluding Remarks Reflections - how to engage more students to study sciences, especially physics to year 12 Describe one area of research that seems esoteric but which can be connected to a tangible outcome for people, community or society. Growing Tall Poppies Science Partnership Program is a partnership between The University of Melbourne, La Trobe University, Deakin University, Griffith University, University of New South Wales, Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO, Catholic Education Office Melbourne, ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging, ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers, Santa Maria College and Charles La Trobe Secondary College. We are funded by the Australian Government Mathematics and Science Partnership Program. Growing Tall Poppies’ goal is to increase the number of secondary students, especially girls, who study science and especially the physical sciences in Years 11 and 12. This is achieved through partnerships of educational initiatives and outreach programs between secondary schools and science partners.

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