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Expression profiling along the intestinal crypt axis.

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1 Expression profiling along the intestinal crypt axis.
Expression profiling along the intestinal crypt axis. (A) GFP‐positive cells derived from the small intestine of Lgr5‐EGFP‐ires‐CreERT2 knock‐in mice were sorted arbitrarily in five different fractions, ranging from lowest (1+) to highest (5+) GFP expression. (B–F) A gradient plot of the expression along the crypt was generated by plotting the log2 ratio of the 5+ fraction versus the four lower fractions. (B) Gradient plots of the known CBC stem cell markers Lgr5 and Olfm4. (C–F) Gradient plots of the proposed quiescent/+4 marker genes Hopx, Lrig1, Bmi1 and Tert. Dotted lines are based on ratios from the arrays and continuous lines are based on ratios calculated from qPCR analyses. The ratios of Lgr5 are plotted in grey for comparison in (C–F). Javier Muñoz et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend

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