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PreAice Mathematics 2 (Geometry Honors) North Ft. Myers High School

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1 PreAice Mathematics 2 (Geometry Honors) North Ft. Myers High School
Instructor: Mrs. Laurie Wray

2 Course Syllabus for 2010-2011 Instructor: Mrs
Course Syllabus for Instructor: Mrs. Laurie Wray Blog: Textbook: Geometry, Holt McDougal Larson, 2011 Goals: To create a positive, cooperative, and tolerant classroom environment that will allow each student to succeed To inspire students to become academically organized and motivated in their educational studies To encourage students to find mathematical connections in other subject areas

3 Grading Grades are calculated on the following point system:
Tests: points (3-4 per quarter) Quizzes: 100 points (1-2 per chapter/6-8 per qtr.) Homework*: 100 points (3 per quarter) Class work: points per assignment Notebook: 100 points (once per quarter) Projects: points (as assigned) *Daily homework submitted on time is assessed 0 to 3 points per assignment based on completion and quality of work shown. Points earned/points possible is converted to a homework grade three times per quarter.

4 Supplies 1”-1.5”three ring binder with 5 dividers
notebook paper (no spirals!) pencils and pens graph paper scientific calculator kleenex tissue (optional but donations are appreciated!)

5 Classroom Guidelines Be in your assigned seat on time.
Have all books and materials for class and take them with you when you leave. Treat each person with dignity and respect. Follow all directions the FIRST time given. Follow all policies and procedures set forth by the Lee County School District.

6 Expectations For Honors Courses
Zero or partial credit will be given for late work. Hall passes will not be issued to get work you have forgotten. Tests and quizzes may not be retaken for a higher score. Charts or study aides will not be allowed during quizzes and tests. Tests and quizzes missed due to absence must be made up before or after school and may be different from the original. All assignments are expected to be turned in on or before the due date, especially in the case of a pre-arranged absence. Cheating or plagiarizing will result in a zero on the assignments and parent notification.

7 Classroom Procedures Enter quietly, take and seat and begin bell work.
If you arrive late… …and are excused drop your pass on my desk. …but are unexcused you will be issued a detention. After an excused absence check homework notebook or blog to find out what you missed. You are strongly encouraged to use the restroom between classes but if you need to be excused simply raise your hand holding up three fingers and I will know what you need without disrupting class. I will then sign your pass.

8 Classroom Procedures When I am standing in front of the class with my hand raised you are to stop talking/doing and direct your attention to me. All work is turned in to the basket on my desk or may sometimes be collected by rows. The bell does not dismiss you, I DO! I am very aware that you have another class to get to and I will not make you late. When there is a substitute you are expected to behave as well or better for him/her as you will do for me. If any name is left by a substitute you will receive a detention.

9 WrayNation Holt McDougal Larson Website
Mrs. Wray’s Blog: Holt McDougal Larson Website

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