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Ebenezer Baptist Church

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1 Ebenezer Baptist Church
intentional Ebenezer Baptist Church 1.6.18

2 in·ten·tion·al /inˈten(t)SH(ə)n(ə)l/ Adjective done on purpose; deliberate. synonyms:deliberate, calculated, conscious,intended, planned, meant, studied,  knowing,willful, purposeful, purposive,  done on purpose, premeditated, preplanned, preconceived; in·ten·tion /inˈten(t)SH(ə)n/ noun plural noun: intentions 1. a thing intended; an aim or plan

3 in·ten·tion /inˈten(t)SH(ə)n/ noun plural noun: intentions a thing intended; an aim or plan *The difference between intensions and being intentional…..discipline

4 The Purpose, Vision, Mission and Objectives of Ebenezer Baptist Church have intentions and are intentional. Purpose-keeps you focused on why you exist Vision-the ultimate goal Mission-what we are doing to accomplish the Vision

5  Strategies are a series of ways of using the mission to achieve the vision.
Goals are statements of what needs to be accomplished to implement the strategy. Objectives are specific actions and timelines for achieving the goal.

6 The Purpose of Ebenezer Baptist Church Make Disciples Of All Nations
Love God…Love Others Make Disciples Of All Nations

7 The Vision of Ebenezer Baptist Church
Make disciples of the 97,000 people who are within a 15 mile radius of our church, utilizing partnerships when necessary, desiring that all will be committed to a Bibliocentric, Christocentric local church.

8 Through missional activity and partnerships make disciples of the 11
Through missional activity and partnerships make disciples of the 11.6 million people in the state of Ohio. Through missional activity and partnerships make disciples of the 326 million people in the United States.

9 Through missional activity and partnerships make disciples of the 7
Through missional activity and partnerships make disciples of the 7.5 billion people in the world.

10 The Mission of Ebenezer Baptist Church
We are committed to grow a Bibliocentric, Christocentric, nurturing local body of believers that will Reach, Grow, Serve and Worship.

11 Reach-by training in personal evangelism and exposing as many as possible to the gospel; locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Grow by the study of God's Word individually, one on one, in small groups, Lifegroups/Sunday School Classes, and in corporate preaching and teaching.

12 Serve by providing opportunities to exercise our spiritual gifts and God given abilities, in ministry to others within the church, community, nation and world. Worship by valuing and treasuring God above all things individually and collectively in praise, thanksgiving, service, work and all aspects of life.

13 The Bible is full of Intentionality-our God is an intentional God
The Bible is full of Intentionality-our God is an intentional God. There is nothing haphazard about God nor His Word. A Disciple is Intentional-The standard definition of “disciple”is someone who adheres to the teachings of another.

14 Another or someone who comes under the discipline of another
Another or someone who comes under the discipline of another. It is a follower or a learner. It refers to someone who takes up the ways of someone else. Applied to Jesus, a disciple is someone who learns from him to live like him someone who, because of God’s awakening grace,

15 conforms his or her words and ways to the words and ways of Jesus
conforms his or her words and ways to the words and ways of Jesus. Or, you might say, as others have put it in the past, disciples of Jesus are themselves “little Christs”. We could say that a disciple of Jesus is a worshiper, a servant, and a witness. (Notice intentionality!)

16 Examples of Intentionality
Daniel and 3 friends-live separated holy lives for the glory of God, no matter the cost (Daniel 1, 3, 6) Paul-preach Christ and Him crucified, no matter the cost (Rom. 1:15-16, I Cor. 2:1-2; Phil. 1:20-21; II Cor. 11:23-28)

17 Jesus-came to intentionally go to the cross, for our benefit and to glorify the Father, no matter the cost (John 12:23-32; Luke 19:10; John 3:17)

18 The Purposes of the Church and Individual believer must be bathed in intentional prayer.
Without intentionality our prayer life will become casual. Without intentionality in our prayer life we trend toward powerlessness.

19 Without intentionality in our prayer our best laid plans will come to naught.
Intentionality in prayer is bolstered by fasting. (He increases, we decrease John 3:30; our awareness of holiness is magnified and our intimacy with Christ grows I Peter 1:16)

20 Eph. 6:18-19-the forgotten part of the armor is the very thing that gives us boldness to fulfill our purpose.

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