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Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results

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1 Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results
A Multilateral Initiative DAC Evaluation Network Meeting November , 2020 April, 2010

2 CONTEXT Increasing demand for evaluation knowledge
Focus on value-for-money, accountability, transparency, Decentralization Other public sector reforms Civil society engagement Limited supply of relevant and cost-effective evaluation capacity development services Need for Customized but cost-effective capacity development services Peer-to-peer learning and exchange of knowledge Range of opportunities to learn and apply practical, policy-relevant monitoring and evaluation approaches

3 Overview of CLEAR A five-year partnership launched in January 2010
Objective: Strengthen existing regional institutions to provide capacity development services in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and results-based management (RBM) through: Regional Program (large): Support competitively selected regional institutions to provide demand-driven, customized, and cost-effective M&E and RBM capacity building services Global Program (small): Develop strong technical curriculum materials with a focus on “how to”; and facilitate cross-regional learning and knowledge-sharing Governance Structure: Board (donors initially), Regional Advisory Committees, Secretariat (housed at IEG)

4 Latin America: Coming soon
East Asia Center: AFDC, Shanghai, China - Supported by Chinese MoF, ADB, and IEG - Offers Introductory M&E course regularly - Just piloted first Performance Budgeting course developed by CLEAR’s global program Regional Program Latin America: Coming soon South Asia Center: Competitive selection underway Africa Center: Competitive selection completed University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

5 Africa Competitive Selection Process (March – October)
56 Applications Received from 17 countries 5 Institutions Shortlisted CLEAR Center awarded to: University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Country with institutions presenting applications Country with shortlisted institutions CLEAR Center in Africa

6 South Asia Competitive Selection Process (August – December)
24 applications received From 6 countries 3 Shortlisted Institutions Shortlisted: Institute for Applied Manpower Research (IAMR) - Delhi, India Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL) at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) - Chennai, India BRAC Development Institute (BDI) at BRAC University - Dhaka, Bangladesh Center ill be selected by December 2010 Country with institutions presenting applications Country with shortlisted institutions

7 Looking Forward Regional Program – Begin Operations. AFDC (China) already operating. Competitively selected centers will begin operations in January 2011 Global Program First multi-regional learning and exchange event in April 2010 Focus on country M&E systems; technical courses focusing on “how to” of evaluations; forum for peer-exchanges; networking among centers and other stakeholders on development of M&E capacity development services Event open to larger community Courses Performance-based budgeting course piloted for policymakers. Technical course to be piloted at global event Rapid evaluations course finished by December “How to” Practical Impact Evaluation course being commissioned Center in Latin America Discussing partnership with Mexican Government Currently seeking additional funds for CLEAR program in the region

8 Thank you!

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