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Ivy Tech Community College Becca Deckard

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1 Ivy Tech Community College Becca Deckard
Final Project Ivy Tech Community College Becca Deckard

2 Classroom Space

3 Classroom Space Cont. The slide before this is a great example of how I want my classroom to look. The students are all in groups and the teachers desk is in a corner. I also really like how there is a quiet area. I think that this area is extremely import in my classroom because I want to be a special needs teacher. This would be the area that the children would go to when they are acting up and need to cool off. I would also like to have some colorful artwork on the walls so the classroom is not dull.

4 Classroom space Cont. I would really like for the quiet are in the classroom to be a different room (almost like a closet but not a closet). Look at the picture above.

5 Exceptionalities ADHD
I would have fidget toys and sensory items.

6 Exceptionalities Visually impaired
I would have zoom text options on the computers. I would have books with larger prints to make the reading easier if needed I would have things in brail for students to read.

7 Exceptionalities hearing impaired
I would have a signer in the room and or use a microphone when I talked

8 Classroom management I would like to have a classroom that is integrated. An integrated classroom is one that is mixed with other students in the school. It makes it to where the children have to integrated with their peers. This helps the students with special needs feel not left out.

9 Classroom management cont.
My classroom will be very welcoming. The students will know that it is ok to ask me questions and I will answer them.

10 Teacher support I would take any class that might help me at the time. Say I have a child that is deaf. Then I might take a sign language class or just a class to see what I can do to help out the student.

11 Summary This class has thought me a lot. It has given me a better idea of what my everyday job will look like in the future and I just can not wait. Going and doing service learning was the best. I loved working with the children and seeing them change day from day. You never really think a child can change that much in a day but they can and its crazy. I also got to look deeper into what my future students could be struggling with, I got to see it first hand and I got to read about it. Reading about what to do when they need help was harder to understand then seeing it in person. But in the end every child is different so one thing might work for one kid but not for the other. Being in this class just reminded me of why I want to become a special needs teacher.

12 Resources
students-with-autism-spectrum-disorders Ludden, J. (2012, May 2). The Best Ways To Intergrate Special Needs Students . In npr. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from best-ways-to-integrate-special-needs-students

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