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Name of Person (picture on the slide)

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Presentation on theme: "Name of Person (picture on the slide)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name of Person (picture on the slide)
Biography NPD (4 pts.) (go to for the electronic template, example of ppt, and helpful websites)

2 Before _____ was Famous (7 pts.)
Significant fact (lived with… worked at…studied at…) Another significant fact/accomplishment One quote from source in “ “ Explanation/interpretation of the quote picture Cite source(s) in parenthesis correctly ( ) (Author pg#) ex: (Mumford 59) (“doc or web page title”) ex: (“Biography-Anuhea”)

3 What made _____ Famous (7 pts.)
Significant event Another significant event/accomplishment One quote from source in “ “ Explanation/interpretation of the quote picture Cite source(s) in parenthesis ( ) (Author pg#) ex: (Mumford 59) (“doc or web page title”) ex: (“Biography-Anuhea”)

4 What _____ is Doing Now (7 pts.)
Significant event/accomplishment Another significant event/accomplishment One quote from source in “ “ Explanation/interpretation of the quote picture Cite source(s) in parenthesis ( ) (Author pg#) ex: (Mumford 59) (“doc or web page title”) ex: (“Biography-Anuhea”)

5 Works Cited (10 pts.) 3 or more valid, credible sources listed in correct MLA format (see handout) At least 1 source from EBSCO or Encyclopedia Brittanica No Wikipedia citations

6 Overall Content & Info. (10 pts.)
Ideas and information on slides and oral presentation are clear. Facts are significant and relevant. Quotes and explanation/interpretation are significant and add to the understanding of the person. Student elaborates on the slides (tells more) in their oral presentation ie: don’t only state what’s on the slides. Sources are cited correctly on all slides. Very few errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling; Slides are in order.

7 Overall Visual Presentation (5 pts.)
Colorful and neat Layout and pictures are relevant and clear Sufficient amount of space used without being overcrowded Color and size of font is easy to read from far away

8 Oral Presentation (10 pts.)
Volume: speak loud enough to hear from the back of the room Eye contact: Don’t read off the slides or notecards; LOOK and speak to your audience Clarity: no mumbling; speak clearly, pronounce your words through the whole sentence Posture & Pacing: speak at a ‘just right’ pace; not too fast or too slow. Stand straight, don’t fidget or sway. Proper English: don’t use slang or pidgin

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