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Plate Tectonics: Major Plates

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2 Plate Tectonics: Major Plates

3 Plate Tectonics: Subduction
A - Melted Crust B – Volcano C – Magma D – Oceanic Crust E – Mantle F – Deep Ocean Trench G – Mid Ocean Ridge

4 Plate Tectonics: Plate Boundaries
Convergent Boundary Transform Boundary Divergent Boundary

5 Plate Tectonics: Sea Floor Spreading
Mid-Ocean Ridge Sea-Floor Spreading continually adds new material to ocean floor New material splits apart from the old material and pushes it outward from the ridge. Magnetic striping, age of ocean floor, pillow lava rocks Subduction at a deep ocean trench occurs because the oceanic crust is more dense than the continental crust.

6 Rocks and Minerals Hardness Streak Density Crystal Structure

7 Rocks and Minerals Rock Type Origin Appearance Uses Igneous
Igneous Magma or Lava Crystals or gas bubbles Building material, abrasive cleaners, or sharp tools Rock Fragment Deposition (Clastic) Organic Deposition (Organic) Mineral Depostion (Chemical) Fossils, sand grains or rock fragments Sedimentary Building material, but easily damaged by acid rain Metamorphic Statues, buildings, roofing Ribbon-like layers, extremely hard High temperature or pressure

8 Describing Earth – Edit this to have all the layers – inner core, outer core, mesosphere, asthenosphere, lithosphere and crust


10 Explain how the hot spot shown in the diagram below created the Hawaiian Islands. Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the motion of the plate and help explain the process.

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