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Grace Spudnic By: Erin Wolfert.

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1 Grace Spudnic By: Erin Wolfert

2 Long ,long ago in 1915 lived a 11 year old girl named Grace
Long ,long ago in 1915 lived a 11 year old girl named Grace. She lived in the Texas. She was beautiful, but one thing she was as white as a artice fox, but also that something else was different about her, and her parents knew it!!!!!


4 When she started to cry she turned red, when she wanted to be as tall as a 6 foot house she was, when she wanted to be as small as a mouse she was!!!!!!! And Grace didn’t even know…

5 “MOM… MY SKIN IS TURNING RRRRREEEEEDDDD!!!!!!” Grace screamed angrily.
“Did you eat your pills???” her mom asked. “No…” Grace said as she swallowed them. “ They weren’t that bad now were they??? “ now they were worse and 3 times bigger…”Grace said.


7 She loved life mostly animals
She loved life mostly animals. Once she saved her dogs life, Woffy that was pink and a three foot tall dashhond and five feet long. And she was dicecting a sheep heart and she made it pump again!!!!!! She put it back in the sheep and it ran off!!!!!!!


9 10 years later

10 “Poor pup… leg ran over,” Grace said with sadness
“We should put a cast on her.” Said her assistant Tori “Wait let me give her this to her,” Grace said as the dog swallowed it. “There we go all better!!!!!” she said with a grin! “I need to take my pills my skin is turning pink…” “No wait you could be a animal supper hero!!!! Woffy can be your sidekick she can talk and she can grow and shrink like you!!!”Tori said.


12 “Great idea,” Grace said “Hey I may need two sidekicks!!!!!”
“Really… you want me to be your sidekick with Woffy!?” “Of course I would you’re my BFF!!!! And you can ran as fast as the speed of sound and you can grow wings then fly!!!!!”


14 The next day…

15 “We got a call from a neiborhood in south Texas.”
“What street and neiborhood???” asked Grace South street the turn left to Pine Mable Hood then turn right onto Pine Drive.” Answered Tori. “ Ok, lets go!!!!” Grace said as she made her skin turn pink. People say that was her first rescue and she didn’t stop but after about after ten years doing it she joined the Huston SPCA !!!

16 The End!!!!

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