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Introduction to CSCE321 고려대학교 컴퓨터 그래픽스 연구실

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1 Introduction to CSCE321 고려대학교 컴퓨터 그래픽스 연구실

2 Course Information CSCE321-00 Computer Graphics Credit Schedule
3.0 Schedule Wed / Fri 5th Class (14:00 – 15:15) Attendee Junior & Senior Text Book Computer Graphics C Version Second Edition Prerequisite Data Structure Windows Programming Skills of C & C++

3 Course Outline I. Modeling II. Rendering III. Animation
Wireframe Modeling Simulating brushed aluminum surface Body Animation

4 A composite Bezier surface constructed with two Bezier section
Part I: Modeling Object Representations Curves: splines Surfaces: meshes, splines, subdivision Solids: voxels, CSG, BSP Procedural modeling Sweeps Fractals Grammars A composite Bezier surface constructed with two Bezier section

5 Part II: Rendering 3D Rendering Pipeline Global Illumination
Modeling transformations Viewing transformations Hidden surface removal Illumination, shading, and textures Scan conversion, clipping Hierarchical scene graphics OpenGL Global Illumination Ray tracing Radiosity A ray–traced scene Nave of Chartres Cathedral rendered with a progressive refinement radiosity

6 Part III: Animation Keyframing Motion capture Dynamics Kinematics
Articulated figures Motion capture Capture Warping Dynamics Physically-based simulations Particle systems Bubble Simulation

7 Schedule 3/03,05: Introduction to Computer Graphics
3/10,12: Mathematics for Computer Graphics 3/17,19: Output Primitives Assign. #1 3/24,26: 2D Geometric Transformation 3/31,4/2: 2D Viewing 4/07,09: 3D Geometric Transformation Assign. #2 4/14,16: 3D Viewing 4/21: Midterm Exam. 4/28,30: Illumination Models 5/07: Surface Rendering Methods Assign. #3 5/12,14: Texture Mapping & Hidden Surface Removal 5/19: Term Project Proposal 5/28: Computer animation & Kinematics and Dynamics 6/02: Final Exam. 6/09: Term Project Demo.

8 You will fail if you miss just one!!
Coursework Midterm exam (20%) Final exam (25%) Programming assignments (30%) #1 (5%), #2 (10%), and #3 (15%) Term project (25%) 3D computer animation You will fail if you miss just one!!

9 Programming Assignments
When? Every 3 weeks How? Windows programming C, C++ Not using graphics library ex) OpenGL, DirectX, Java3D, etc.

10 Term Project What? When? How? Create your own graphics art
Not still image When? After the final exam How? Windows programming C, C++ Not using graphics library ex) OpenGL, DirectX, Java3D, etc. Using your previously submitted assignments

11 Example (1/3) 2002 Fall Semester 모델하우스 When I fall in Desert

12 Example (2/3) 2003 Spring Semester Ray tracing

13 Example (3/3) 2003 Spring Semester 다보탑 창 밖 세상 Cartoon Rendering

14 Contact Course web page Graphics lab. Teaching assistants
Graphics lab. 아산 이학관 249호 Teaching assistants 윤영랑 지준용 조현철 홍진경

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