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Performing an Autopsy

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Presentation on theme: "Performing an Autopsy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performing an Autopsy

2 What Warrants an Autopsy
Questionable Death-as determined by the coroner Homicide Drowning Auto Accidents Death of a child

3 Protocol for Performing A Forensic Autopsy?
The corpse is brought to the medical examiner’s office in a brand new body bag (to avoid transfer of evidence between cases) or in a set of evidence sheets. The body is then placed on the cadaver dissection table.

4 Used to Collect Vitreous

5 Tags & Heart Needle

6 Benefits of Autopsy Discover cause of death for: Criminal cases
Family peace of mind Genetic disease or deformity Insurance claims Medical advancement

7 X-Ray



10 Autopsy Room


12 Body Block

13 Physical Examination The physical examination of the body is broken up into two parts. External Examination The external examination consists of inspecting the physical outer layer of the body for signs of foul play that would result in injury or death. Internal Examination. The internal examination consists of inspecting the internal organs of the body for evidence of trauma or other indications of the cause of death.

14 External Examination Trace Evidence Sign of injury or mistreatment
Sign of illness, disease, or abnormalities

15 External Examination Steps of an external examination. Photographed.
Physical evidence collected off body. Samples of hair, nails, etc. are collected. Undressed, examined for wounds. Lacerations, abrasions, bruises. Measured, weighed, cleaned.


17 Internal Examination Steps of an internal examination. Incisions
A “Y” shaped cut from behind each ear and running down the neck, meeting at the breastbone, continuing towards the groin. Most often used in cases of suspected strangulation. A “T” shaped cut from each shoulder ,meeting at the breastbone, continuing towards the groin. Used to create a better looking finished product as this cut is not often seen. Single vertical cut from throat to groin. All cut are deviating towards the left.

18 Internal Examination (cont’d)
Cuts The chest cavity is cut open using shears. The ribs are sawed away, letting them be lifted off the body, exposing the heart and lungs. Removal En masse technique of Letulle – All organs removed at once. En bloc method of Ghon – organs divided into four groups and removed in sections. All removed organs are now weighed and examined for unusual markings or signs.

19 Internal Examination (cont’d)
Brain examination An incision is made from a point behind one ear, over the top of the head, to a point behind the opposite ear. The scalp is pulled away from the skull, creating tow flaps. The front flap goes over the face, the rear flap over the neck. The skull is then cut with an electric saw to create a cover that can be pulled off to expose the brain. The brain si then cut from the spinal cord and lifted out of the skull for further examination.

20 Internal Examination (cont’d)
In addition, The cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the central nervous system, and all other “systems” in the body that help control activity are examined.

21 Trunk Dissection Y-shaped incision
From the shoulders to the pelvic bone This incision is deep

22 Opening the Chest Skin & muscle, are pulled from the chest wall
Chest Plate is extracted Heart is extracted

23 Removal and Dissection of the Organs
One organ at a time All body organs at once - “Rokitansky Method” Upon removal each organ is: Weighed & measured Examined Sliced in cross sections Sampled for microscopic & chemical analysis

24 Samples

25 Organ Containers

26 “Running the Gut” The contents of the stomach, intestines, and bowels must be inspected as well

27 The Scalp is cut ear to ear across the crown of the head
Removing the Brain The Scalp is cut ear to ear across the crown of the head

28 Exposing the Skull Next the scalp is pulled forward and back to expose the skull

29 Two methods of cutting the skull cap
Exposing the Brain Two methods of cutting the skull cap

30 Removal of the Brain Spinal Cord is cut The soft brain is removed
Brain is so soft it must be placed in formaldehyde for about a week before an in depth examination

31 Close Up Skull cap is replace Skin pulled back in place
Body Organs may or may not be replaced Incisions are sown up with the use of a baseball stitch

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