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History of Civil Rights (1800s)

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1 History of Civil Rights (1800s)
6-4 Notes

2 History of Civil Rights (1800s)
Civil Rights: Rights of U.S. Citizens

3 Civil War Era Dred Scott Case (1857) Amendments
Supreme Court rules against Scott Free or slave, blacks are not citizens Amendments 13th - Abolished slavery 14th - Citizenship rights & Due Process 15th - Citizens (blacks) right to vote

4 Segregation in the South
Black Codes: laws that limited blacks rights in the South No black participation in politics Return blacks to slave status What were Black Codes? – Video

5 More Black Codes Denied blacks the rights to testify against whites, to serve on juries or in state militias, or vote No speaking loudly in front of white women Blacks not allowed to leave a job before paying back a debt Harsh penalty for stealing farm animals Vagrancy laws made it a crime to be unemployed

6 Segregation in the South
Slaughterhouse Cases (1873) Southern states pass discriminatory laws EX: blacks pay a poll tax before voting

7 Segregation in the South
2) Jim Crow Laws Laws that segregate whites and blacks Goal to prevent race mixing in public EX: schools, hospital wards, bathrooms, fountains, hotels, train cars, cemeteries What were the Jim Crow Laws? - Video

8 Racial Stereotypes in Jim Crow Era
Jim Crow character Racial Stereotypes in Jim Crow Era


10 Segregation in the South
3) Civil Rights Act of 1875 Goal was to stop segregation of public spaces CRA fails and businesses allowed to discriminate

11 Jim Crow in Disney - Video
Jim Crow character Jim Crow in Disney - Video

12 Segregation in the South
4) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Supreme Court declares “separate but equal” facilities are legal Jim Crow is legally allowed in any state

13 Discriminatory Signs

14 Modern Racism Video: SAE Fraternity Racist Chants at Univ. Oklahoma

15 “Song of the Roustabouts”
Video: Song of the Roustabouts Roustabout: unskilled laborer, circus hand who sets up the tents

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