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1. Scripture.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Scripture."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Scripture

2 The Battle-Ground

3 1. Why this matters today?

4 1. Why this matters today? Scripture’s Claim of Personal Authority

5 1. Why this matters today? Scripture’s Claim of Personal Authority
An increasing Attack on the Bible

6 1. Why this matters today? Scripture’s Claim of Personal Authority
An increasing Attack on the Bible 1800’s Modernism : trust the mind

7 1. Why this matters today? Scripture’s Claim of Personal Authority
An increasing Attack on the Bible 1800’s Modernism : trust the mind 1900’s Post-modernism : trust nothing

8 1. Why this matters today? Scripture’s Claim of Personal Authority
An increasing Attack on the Bible 1800’s Modernism : trust the mind 1900’s Post-modernism : trust nothing

9 1. Why this matters today? Scripture’s Claim of Personal Authority
An increasing Attack on the Bible 1800’s Modernism : trust the mind 1900’s Post-modernism : trust nothing 2000’s “Emergence” : collective truth

10 1. Why this matters today? Scripture’s Claim of Personal Authority
An increasing Attack on the Bible 1800’s Modernism : trust the mind 1900’s Post-modernism : trust nothing 2000’s “Emergence” : collective truth Wise Faith needs a Foundation

11 2. What we believe about Scripture

12 2. What we believe about Scripture
[1] We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in their original writing as fully inspired of God and accept them as the supreme and final authority for faith and life

13 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments

14 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments = 66 books

15 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments = 66 books original writing as fully inspired of God

16 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments = 66 books original writing as fully inspired of God Inspired = breathed out by God (2Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21)

17 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments = 66 books original writing as fully inspired of God Inspired = breathed out by God (2Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21) Inerrant = without error (John 17:17)

18 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments = 66 books original writing as fully inspired of God Inspired = breathed out by God (2Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21) Inerrant = without error (John 17:17) Infallible = without fail (Isaiah 55:11)

19 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments = 66 books original writing as fully inspired of God Inspired = breathed out by God (2Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21) Inerrant = without error (John 17:17) Infallible = without fail (Isaiah 55:11) the supreme and final authority

20 2. What we believe about Scripture
the Old and New Testaments = 66 books original writing as fully inspired of God Inspired = breathed out by God (2Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21) Inerrant = without error (John 17:17) Infallible = without fail (Isaiah 55:11) the supreme and final authority No further revelation than Jesus Christ

21 3. Why would we believe the Bible?

22 3. Why would we believe the Bible?
Its Fulfilments

23 3. Why would we believe the Bible?
Its Fulfilments Its Preservation

24 3. Why would we believe the Bible?
Its Fulfilments Its Preservation Its Authors

25 3. Why would we believe the Bible?
Its Fulfilments Its Preservation Its Authors Its Believers

26 3. Why would we believe the Bible?
Its Fulfilments Its Preservation Its Authors Its Believers 1 Cor 2:14: The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned

27 The Battle-Ground all flesh is like [withering] grass and all its glory like the [fading]flower... but the word of the Lord remains forever

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